Conclusion Hopefully these tips and ideas give you a good starting point for playing D&D with kids. Introducing kids to the wonderful world of tabletop RPGs can benefit them now and for years to come. So dive in and give it a try!Previous...
I won't have the roll stats, or pick spells. I'll give them one of hte WotC pregrens, or I'll do character creation between meeting with them, and the first session. I'll use the standard array and put stats where it makes sense based on what they told...
When a new player joins the game I start with the player’s concept, and I encourage people to go big with ideas, which I then help them translate into an effective build. I then get them to write of a background which I then tweak in order to root them more firmly in my setting...
I'm thinking about including a simple one-shot scenario, but I don't know how long that will take to write. I tend to work in fits and starts, doing nothing for weeks/months and then suddenly completing it in a few days when inspired, so I can't give any estimates. An adept DM ...
This adventure can be run as a level 6 adventure for 5 players, or can be easily customized to a party of any size or level. It can work as a small side adventure in an existing campaign, as a standalone one-shot, or the start of a new adventure. Use the links to the tools in...
Have NPCs ask a bunch of leading questions from which a certain behavior emerges naturally, and then if the PCs either comply with the pattern or - even better - buck it with their own ideas over time, celebrate! And realize that some people will have great difficulty learning some of the...
This article dives into how to do it in depth. You can find more discussion in this issue. Something Missing? If you have ideas for more “How To” recipes that should be on this page, let us know or contribute some!About No description, website, or topics provided. Resources Readme...
The setting is unique, and there are plenty of good ideas throughout – including infernal war machine combat and Big Bad bosses that can be dealt with in multiple ways. However, the writing and design that brings these ideas together is thin, illogical, and not a lot of fun without some...
To customize the default Downtime rule, tap Downtime (marked as 1 in the screenshot shown above).You can enable or disable (turn on/off) Downtime rule by tapping the switch as shown below.You can also delete the rule using the dustbin button above the switch.For Downtime,...
There is a common pattern that is hard to implement with native drag and drop: dragging multiple elements. While selection mechanics might vary from app to app (cmd+clicking, checkboxes, predefined groups), but it would be nice to at lea...