Here are a few examples of Gnome 5e male names: Alvyn Gerbo Jorston Kelgrim Orryn Sinver And here are some Gnome 5e female names: Ellyjobell Lorilla Orrhana Nibi Roywyn Spinoa Gnome 5e traits Here are the basic Gnome 5e stats and traits: Ability score increase +2 Intelligence Size...
Human Variant Human:In addition to the standard human traits, some campaigns allow players to choose the Variant Human option. This option allows the player to gain a +1 bonus to two different ability scores, choose a skill proficiency, and gain a Feat at 1st level. ...
The clan names fall into 2 types: a compound name or a dwarven-sounding name. Examples include Silverstone, Deepdelver, Torevir and Rakankrak. Because male names always end in a consonant and female names in either a softer tone or a vowel, female names are more melodic sounding by ...
23 受国人名字 : Shou Names 变体人类特质 Variant Human Traits (男性male )安An 、陈Chen、齐Chi、费Fai、江Jiang 、 如果你的战役选⽤第5 章所述的可选专⻓规则,DM 就可 军Jun 、连 Lian、朗Long、蒙Meng、温 On、单 Shan、水 以允许你使⽤本变体特质,并以下列⼏项特质替换⼈类的属性 ...
Satyr names are melodic and Greek inspired. Female names tend to be more melodic, simple and shorter than male names, but exceptions exist. Satyr don't know surnames, but do they give each other nicknames. These nicknames can be descriptive of their physical form, their personality or a hint...
龙与地下城 Wiki 在首次呈现为蛇类形态和恢复原型时,施法者将治愈所遭受全部伤害的1d6X10%(小数点清零)。(祭司不会在他们每次呈现为新蛇类形态时被治疗,只有在第一次时会如此。) Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they...
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's...
名讳Name 绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes 丹德尔Dendar暗夜巨蛇The Night Serpent 被囚禁Imprisoned艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的一条上古邪物;宿命将毁灭世界An Elder Evil of Abeir-Toril; fated to destroy the world 乌塔欧Ubtao骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被...
Is she a powerful human mage, the first to learn - and thus control - the secrets of the Spire and the Cage? Is she a hatchling from the eggs of a draconic deity? No one knows, but that doesn't stop berks from flapping their bone-boxes. [印记城黑话:Berk—巴佬。一个笨蛋,尤指...