人类肤色从黝黑到雪白,发色从乌黑 到金黄(还分为卷曲、微卷和直发),且其男性个体还长着从 人类姓名与人种分类 Human Names and 浓密到稀疏各不相同的胡须。许多人类混杂着非人类的血统, Ethnicities 也会因此也带有精灵,兽人或其他种族的生理特征。人类二十 与其他文化不同,人类有着多种不同的民风特色而无法 岁...
通用矮人祭司能力General Dwarven Priest Abilities: 矮人祭司(包括杜尔加矮人)的通用能力与限制,除了本节稍后标记的每种信仰特殊变化外,都在“Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”中矮人祭司的详述中讨论。由于悠久的传统,大部分矮人神祇的祭司在动荡之年Time of Troubles都与其神祇有着相同的性别。自动荡之年以来,这一限...
Her father’s father was a human from Waterstraeten (hence her Dutch names) and her mother’s father is an elf from the north of Tyriodh (hence her pointy ears). At work, she wears university robes, which used to draw some attention as there weren’t any other beautiful young-looking...
The characters supervised by DM are also called theNPCwhich stands forNon-Playable Characters. While the players in the game do control their assigned or chosen characters. They use the Character control sheet provided to the players, here are thesamples of CCS. ...
Strahd Count Strahd von Barovich is a figure so integral to Ravenloft that he deserves his own, more substantial introduction. Once a brutal military conqueror, Strahd spent his human years with his family in Ravenloft, the castle he built. After murder, brotherly betrayal, and plenty of blood...
Also included are four human feats - Dauntless scars, Human Adaptability, Ready to Go, and Wand Master. By Michael McCarthy; illustrated by Claudio Pozas. Over The Next Hill: Gazebo Bay. The Over The Next Hill series continues with another "plug-in" location, ready to be inserted into ...
Stat blocks can be used to represent both human and nonhuman NPCs. Customizing NPCs There are many easy ways to customize the NPCs for your home campaign. Racial Traits You can add racial traits to an NPC. For example, a halfling druid might have a speed of 25 feet and the Lucky trait...
That said, my tentative expansion on the idea posits that soul coins expose a truth that there is a soul economy within the outer planes, which could be destabilized with increased human intervention in the outer planes. Kelemvor may find such transgression uncool. Enter the paladin. The ...