领域(Domain):混乱,破坏,邪恶,幻象,诡术 伊丽丝璀(Eilistraee)(中型外层界者,女性黑暗精灵舞蹈神) 阵营:叛逆善良 神力:弱等神力 神格等级(DivineRank):7 职业(总40级):吟游诗人20级/战士15级/牧师5级 生命值:890 基本属性:力量24,敏捷42,体质24,智力29,感知24,魅力38 喜好武器:“舞月之剑(TheMoonswor...
领域(Domain):混乱,破坏,邪恶,幻象,诡术 伊丽丝璀(Eilistraee)(中型外层界者,女性黑暗精灵舞蹈神) 阵营:叛逆善良 神力:弱等神力 神格等级(DivineRank):7 职业(总40级):吟游诗人20级/战士15级/牧师5级 生命值:890 基本属性:力量24,敏捷42,体质24,智力29,感知24,魅力38 喜好武器:“舞月之剑(TheMoonswor...
Ability Scores:As we know each background has a list of three ability scores to choose from. You can enhance one by 2 and another by 1, or you can increase all three by 1. The Wayfarer offers you Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma. Origin Feat:Each background has a particular Origin feat...
Rogues also suffer for being jacks of all trades, as it can also mean they’re ‘masters of none’. Their damage output quickly falls behind more combat-dedicated classes, and characters with a bulked-out spell list can serve as equally good utility classes – if not better. A Rogue can ...
魔法抗性Magic Resistance。恐怖铠甲对抗法术和其他魔法效应时所作的豁免检定具有优势。法术免疫Spell Immunity。恐怖铠甲免疫由其制作者指定的三项法术。通常会选择免疫火球术fireball,灼热金属heat metal和闪电束lightning bolt。动作多重攻击Multiattack。恐怖铠甲发动两次长剑攻击。长剑longsword。近战武器攻击:命中+6,触及...
Magic Weapon (Open in new window) 2 Transmutation 1 Bonus Action No Yes Players Handbook Major Image (Open in new window) 3 Illusion 1 Action No Yes Players Handbook Mass Cure Wounds (Open in new window) 5 Evocation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Mass Heal (Open in new window) 9 Evoc...
DnD weapons tier list S Tier Dagger 5e Thedagger 5emay have a low damage output, but its multiple properties more than make up for this. You can dual-wield them or throw them, and the finesse property makes this a viable weapon for a broader range of melee builds. We’d mainly recomme...
Usually, the best combination of ritual spells to take would be detect magic and find familiar from the Wizard spell list, as these are both powerful 1st-level spells to be able to cast whenever you want (as long as you have 10 minutes). This feat really begins to shine if you start ...
EGtW: Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount PHB: Player's Handbook SCAG: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide TCoE: Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything XGtE: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Other Wizard Guides Or follow us onInstagram,Twitter, andYouTube. ...
Depriving players of that magic armour, or magic hat, or magic sword, etc. works only so many times. Death is not realistically portrayed This is related to "death is cheap", however, I feel it deserves its own point. On one hand, death for player characters often enough does no...