Magicians and trained warriors are about equal in power at the same relative levels of mastery, but in different ways. Some problems a sword will solve better, and some problems a spell will solve better. Both swords and spells can be used for either good or evil, depending on the intent...
That's pretty much the way it works in the DnD system though I suppose there are ways you could justify a sort of "Book of Swords" kind of feel to it for certain directions and near Epic levels of skill. That's more Divine Inspiration though.~RexTitle: Re: Platinum / Magic Weapons ...
5 Silver Longswords Midas' Ring of Fire 火环术 召唤一圈火焰来保护你。时间短的出奇,非常不实用。 1 Gold Nugget 1 to 3 Cyrodiilic Brandy 1 Troll Fat Midas' Slime Ball 泥浆球 扔出一个泥浆球,被击中的生物会被减速。 1 Gold Nugget 1 Jade (Whole) 1 Water Hyacinth Nectar Midas' Sharing 分...
The comparisons that can be made between items in D&D have already been made. And they’re part of the rarity system. That’s why+2 longswordsare rarer than+1 longswords. And the designers already made a lot of subjective calls.+1 weaponsare more common than suits of+1 armor. Which m...
Dragon Age II: Greatswords Model Pack by...图片是尐嬋喵的设计宝典的武器配饰画板中的相关图片之一的详情图,武器配饰画板共有3243张设计师收藏采集的相关图片素材资源。花瓣网, 设计师寻找灵感的天堂!
Dragon Age II: Greatswords Model Pack by Berserker79 equipment gear magic item | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Sha ...