Simple melee weapons NameCostDamageWeightProperties Club1 SP1d4 bludgeoning2 lbLight Dagger2 GP1d4 piercing1 lbFinesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) Greatclub2 SP1d8 bludgeoning10 lbTwo-handed Handaxe5 GP1d6 slashing2 lbLight, thrown (range 20/60) ...
智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom 阵营ALIGNMENT:混乱善良CG 武器WEAPONS:任意Any 防具ARMOR:任意Any 主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,战斗combat,创造creation,预言divination,守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,保护protection,太阳sun,战争war,结界wards 次要领域MINOR SPHERES:动物Animal,...
【别 名】阿斯格拉斯Asgorath 【头 衔】塑世者The World-Shaper(阿斯格拉斯),暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades,诸神之主Lord of the Gods,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind,沉眠深龙之父father of the...
Great Weapons Master A must for melee Fighters using two-handed weapons. This feat gives Fighters a bonus action any time they get a critical or kill an enemy. It can also increase damage output, as players get the option to take a -5 penalty to their attack roll in exchange for +10 ...
A D8 has eight sides and often used for determining the damage of weapons, such as a light crossbow and melee weapons, e.g., longsword. Spells often cause two or more d8 damages when thrown. D10 A D10 die has 10 sides numbered 1 thru 10. If your character is using a hefty weapon...
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, ...
William had a tendency to use the sword over anything else even if it was worse than his other weapons. For example when he unlocked both Rankyaku and Shigan He had a better modifier to hit with those than the True Eight of Spades but still used the sword over those other abilities and...
Although commonly seen with a bow in their hand and a quiver on their back, your choice of weapons and spells mean your Ranger can look and play completely different from another player’s. Their versatility means you can become what your party needs you to be. One thing remains the same...
Their life spans average around 350 years, they love forging their weapons and armor, love mining for precious resources, and fashioning jewelry. Most dwarves harbor a passionate hatred for things like orcs and goblins and other underlings like that....
武器WEAPONS: 任意Any; 无远程武器no missile weapons盔甲ARMOR: 任意Any; 除小圆盾无盾牌no shields except spiked bucklers主修领域MAJOR SPHERES: 所有All, 动物animal, 混乱chaos, 魅惑charm, 战斗combat, 治疗heal-ing, 太阳sun (仅reversed 方式reversed only), 战争war次要领域MINOR SPHERES: 占卜Divination, ...