I'm not sure why D&D put simple weapons in the game when nobody wants to use it, but it is what it is. Simple weapons. It’s so simple that even a Wizard can effectively use a crossbow to kill a goblin. And you know that crossbows are not that simple to use in real life. No...
Remove or put in excess weapons! - A few new events! - Looking up stats in info, with expanded stat tracking. - Weird Kickstarter rewards 分享122 印度吧 CM静水 印度历史上最伟大的王是谁?(看别人讨论隔壁三酱的历史)转译源文地址:https://www.quora.com/Who-was-the-greatest-Indian-emperor ...
Like the aforementionedStar Trek, your outer space adventure sees you explore the universe, discover new planets, uncover new races, and overcome the numerous dangers that you encounter. You're also in charge of outfitting your vessel with the requisite bays and weapons, and hiring staff - each...
I rolled up a new character, Thia. This character is a female half-elf Sorcerer with a Shadow Magic subclass. So, I will be able to apply the knowledge acquired from research to provide you (and perhaps hit up my Dungeon Master (DM)) with the best armor and weapons for your Sorcerer...
Remove or put in excess weapons! - A few new events! - Looking up stats in info, with expanded stat tracking. - Weird Kickstarter rewards 分享123 十字军之王吧 ADM克鲁科夫 王国风云3模组Elder Kings 2 Q&A 转的Elder Kings discord内容,不太懂老滚lore,有问题请指出 34573 文明6吧 悲伤的柏林 ...