迪卡拉泽Diinkarazan微弱神力 混乱邪恶 迪洛矮人的疯神、复仇之神,迪伊林卡的双胞胎兄弟,兄弟俩偷窃灵吸怪主神伊尔神思的魔法时被当场发现,迪卡拉泽遭到哥哥抛弃,目前正被伊尔神思因囚禁 主要势力范围在幽暗地域的矮人诸神Gods of the Underdark Dwarves 杜马松Dumathoin中等神力 绝对中立 盾矮人主神 拉杜格Laduguer中等神力...
Later, the first dark Elven civilization rose in the dark. The first great empire of the dark elves was Tarun Tiwa (TELANTIWAR), founded in 9000DR, from the realm of the dwarf In the huge cave of BHAERYNDEN. However, the dark elves still scramble to revive the civilization, kill each...
第1 章:一步步创建角色 Step-by-Step Characters 高于1 级 Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族 Races 选择一个种族 Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf 半身人 Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf 半兽人 Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业 Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian 吟游诗人 ...
Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they serve, clerics strive to embody the handiwork of their deities. No ordinary priest, a cleric is imbued with divine magic. ...
My dnd campaign is completely homebrew, to the setting, gods, storyline, and even creatures. I did this so I could have more creative freedom, and in creating this world I enjoyed doing so. My problem is I’m a first time dungeon master and I’m not familiar in assigning a CR...
DND system of gods Magic and death goddess of wee JAS Vecna, the secret God The divine punishment cuthber. The God of the wandering The God of nature obayer Hai. The death of Nairobi (Nerull) Spider God, rose The God of fighting, Curtis ...
DWARFCLERIC You answer to a divine purpose, calling upon the power of gods. Heal your party members, cast heavenly spells, and smite down evil with your trustworthy mace. PREVIEW ELFWIZARD Elegant and unearthly, you are a brilliant and formidable spellcaster. Entranced by the promise of power,...
偏好武器:矮人击碎者Dwarfcrusher(木棒)或标枪 2楼2013-03-29 00:15 收起回复 一楼夜雨 云巨人 11 简介葛洛蓝托(Grolantor)看上去像一个高25英尺(7.6米)的山丘巨人,穿着由几个矮人的胡须编织而成的腰带,他挥舞着一根名为矮人击碎者的超大型木棒。Grolantor is a giant deity, and patron of Hill ...
of their names or deeds was recorded in the lore of mortals. Even the weakest primordials are monsters of terrible destructive power, capable of crushing all but the mightiest mortal heroes and laying waste to whole kingdoms. The greatest primordials are so strong that even the gods fear them....
附录B:多元宇宙诸神Gods of the Multiverse 附录C:存在位面The Planes of Existence 物质位面The Material Plane 物质界外Beyond the Material 附录D:生物资料Creature Statistics 附录E:启蒙读物Inspirational Reading 索引Index 2 . 前言Preface 距今很久很久的从前,在一个名为美利坚合众国中西部 的地区(...