【神 职】矮人(生存、复兴与进步)Dwarves (survival, renewal, and advancement),创造creation,所有类型的锻工smithing of all sorts,工艺craftsmanship,战争war,矮人种族the dwarven race,保护protection,金属工艺metalcraft,石工(石雕、隧道、建筑) stonework (stonemasonry, tunneling, construction),工程engineering,矮人工...
【神 职】矮人(生存、复兴与进步)Dwarves (survival, renewal, and advancement),创造creation,所有类型的锻工smithing of all sorts,工艺craftsmanship,战争war,矮人种族the dwarven race,保护protection,金属工艺metalcraft,石工(石雕、隧道、建筑) stonework (stonemasonry, tunneling, construction),工程engineering,矮人工...
•Dwarven Fortitude •Drow High Magic •Elven Accuracy •Fade Away •Fey Teleportation •Flames of Phlegethos •Infernal Constitution •Orcish Fury •Prodigy •Revenant Blade •Second Chance •Squat Nimbleness •Svirfneblin Magic ...
Searching for a cure for Durok’s dwarven cancer, Ren uncovers evidence of a temple dedicated to a long dead god with domain over life and death. A priestess with visions of their journey awaits their aid in entering the temple. Thank you O’Shey Hill for writing and running this game....
An unconventional choice that lacks any sort of Cha boost, the mountainDwarf 5ewill slightly lag behind other Sorcerers in terms of attack chance and save DC until they can max out their Cha at twelfth level. However, for some characters, all of this is justified for dwarven armor training....
If you’re playing a Dwarven Cleric, the Forge Cleric 5e is the perfect subclass. Worshiping the gods of material, the forge, and metal-smelting artisans, the Forge Domain is full of pride, and unique spells that tank-inclined players will love. They get heavy armor proficiency, and, at...
So, on top of possibly having a long wait for the baron to actually reach the fort, chances are he/she probably hasn't even left yet because of the dwarven caravan being held up.With three goblin civs on my civ screen now, chances of the attacks lightening up aren't very good. I ...