AWAKENED CHARACTERSAwaken is a 5th-level druid spell that gives a tree or animalhumanlike sentience. Awakened animals and trees treat thespellcaster as a friend, but they have no particular bond or empathy with the spellcaster. An awakened creature can speak onelanguage known by the spellcaster,...
泰坦妮亚的化身Titania's Avatar (幻术师Illusionist 20,德鲁伊Druid 16) 泰坦妮亚的化身展现为一位美丽的女性妖精,尽管她体型娇小、却有着强大的力量。她有着轻薄的翅膀、完美的苍白肤色和颧骨轮廓、以及一双敏锐的蓝灰色眼睛。她永远携带着一支顶部嵌以钻石的魔杖。 力量12,敏捷23,体质15,智力22,感知23,魅力24,...
神域:动物Animal,善良Good,守序Law,贵族Nobility 喜好武器:狮之首Alion’s head(重型十字稿heavy pick) Oghma欧格马(知识之神) 费伦神系强大神力 别称:知识之王The Lord of Knowledge,一切知识的定名者Binder of What is Known 圣徽: 张开的滚动条 居住界域:知识之殿House of Knowledge 阵营:绝对中立N 神职:...
Best classes Cleric, Fighter, Barbarian, Druid Like those found in Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, the DnD Dwarf originated from cave-dwelling clans. They’ve always had a reputation for durability and a handy way with stone. However, the species as a whole has branched out – and they can now ...
Druids can occasionally come off as too martially oriented, clerics can come off as too civilized, and wizards can come off as out of touch nerds. For those that want something in between, shamans are a good way to keep some of that tribal flavor of the druid, the spiritual nature of...
TheDnD Druid 5eclass is as versatile as the natural forces it commands. A living conduit for flora and fauna, a Druid can be a powerhouse of melee damage, crowd control, healing, or support. They can also be (and befriend) almost any animal in Dungeons and Dragons – which is evenmore...
It’s actually quite unique (and cute I suppose). Are you playing that comedic bard, or druid who loves animals? These animal polyhedral dice might just be for you. Role play a talking goat or swan…. To get more specific, this dice set has been carefully designed to be filled with ...
Wildfire Unearthed Arcana 63 - Cleric, Druid, Wizard Wild Companion (Optional) At 2nd level, you gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the Find Familiar spell, without material components. Wh...
Druid Grove (Open in new window) 6 Abjuration 10 Minutes No No Xanathars Guide To Everything Druidcraft (Open in new window) 0 Transmutation 1 Action No No Players Handbook Dust Devil (Open in new window) 2 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Earth Tremor (Open in new window) 1...
The spellcasting and affinity for nature of the Druid, the stealth and ability to assess the situation that lurks silently within Rogues, and a similar fighting style to that of the.. You guessed it.. Fighter. ✅ You want animal companions Much like DnD Druids, Rangers are friends of ...