侦测魅惑detect charm,侦测魔法detect magic,侦测隐形detect invisibility,超感ESP,妖火术faerie fire,遗忘咒forget,皇莓goodberry(每日6次),通晓阵营know alignment,植物滋长plant growth,动物交谈术speak with animals,朦胧术obscurement。
众所周知,德鲁伊在选取动物伙伴之时必须满足前提条件动物特性:动物拥有以下特性 (除非在生物详述中另有注明)。-智力值为1或2 (智力值等于或大于3的生物不能作为动物)。那么,假如一个德鲁伊在选取了动物伙伴之后,在冒险的途中,做出以下行为①给动物伙伴施展临时增长智力的法术(如狐之狡黠)②给动物伙伴佩戴增长智力的...
In our opinion, the Druid is your best bet. You’ll benefit from the natural armor and the extra proficiencies, and if you do find yourself keen to bite someone, your abilities should still work while you’re in Wild Shape form. Loxodon Size Medium Speed 30 feet Ability scores +2 Cons...
Give your whole party a look at what they’re missing by not playing as a Druid, by changing any number of willing participants into animals. The rules are similar to that of your Wild Shape, in that the characters’ Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution stats are replaced by that of the...
The animals in the dnd can reach up to the second level even after using the spell. The wild shape of the animal has the ability to use the transformation from reaching the second level. The current level is not perfect for the usage of the Druid to the dragons. ...
Druids are by far one of the most versatile classes to play in Dungeons & Dragons. Aside from their trademark Wild Shape ability, their spell list is also one of the most varied in the game. Like clerics, druids are a support class focused mainly on buffs and debuffs, with several he...
名讳Name 绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes 丹德尔Dendar暗夜巨蛇The Night Serpent 被囚禁Imprisoned艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的一条上古邪物;宿命将毁灭世界An Elder Evil of Abeir-Toril; fated to destroy the world 乌塔欧Ubtao骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被...
number of attacks, damage per attack, and any special abilities. The caster's clothing (if any) and one item held in each hand also become part of the new body; these reappear when a spellcaster resumes his or her normal shape. The items cannot be used while casters ofsnake skinare in...
Player Pets: Rearing Wild Animals and Training Domesticated Animals. Rules for adopting, purchasing, and training pets, from dogs to wolves to giant fire beatles and constrictor snakes. How to gain their loyalty and teach them tricks or tasks, while ensuring that the Ranger's animal companion or...
It has the following druid spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh 1st level (4 slots): entangle, longstrider, speak with animals, thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, barkskin Actions Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+4 to ...