恶魔之牙(The Demons Teeth):弗拉兹厄鲁在从流放中返回后不久便愤怒的创造出了这片广阔的无踪的山脉,在持续数年的狂怒中将位面本身的构造参差不齐的撕扯拔高。极为陡峭的山表和崖壁给攀爬者带来了很大的危险,他们必须小心避免会导致严重后果的撕裂伤。四片浮胀汁液的深湖坐落于山间,成为了不愿离开该层面的弗拉兹厄...
Lesser demons in need of disciplinary action and captured mages will now be forced to undergo a procedure that turns them into living Antimagic totems. Supplies of these totems will be limited by our supplies and ability to produce them, but creative placement should...
Related, but about Juiblex and Zuggtmoy: What demons are related to the demon lords Juiblex and Zuggtmoy? Unlike that first question, I'm only interested in demons specifically (unless the creature has business existing in the Abyss, such as a yugoloth; I assume that pretty much only ...
sequence in his own 2000-2004 D&D game and I thought it was so rad and mythological I had to do something similar. Hell, in this Babylonian world, wasn’t alignment-based: it was a bureaucratic sort of place where both the good and the evil go, tended by demons, forever repeating thei...
Fell Grafts: Demons & Devils. Have you ever wanted an abyssal hide, balor wings, a devil's arm, a wretch's belch, an imp's eye, infernal horns, or vrock feathers? of course you have! Or at least, your 5E character has. Right? Designer Mike Myler brings you rules for infernal bo...
恶魔之牙(The Demons Teeth):弗拉兹厄鲁在从流放中返回后不久便愤怒的创造出了这片广阔的无踪的山脉,在持续数年的狂怒中将位面本身的构造参差不齐的撕扯拔高。极为陡峭的山表和崖壁给攀爬者带来了很大的危险,他们必须小心避免会导致严重后果的撕裂伤。四片浮胀汁液的深湖坐落于山间,成为了不愿离开该层面的弗拉兹厄...
One approach to turning children into creatures powerful enough to be turned into dragon wyrmlings would be bonding them with demons, preferably Succubi / Incubi. That way you can create an army of tiny charmed (long-term charmed as per 5e fluff, not just the spell) Warlocks doing your bidd...
So swapping them, you can expect to weaken the party's ability to damage the demons by granting immunity. If you wanted to make the demons better able to tolerate radiant damage, you could give them resistance to it instead. It still is somewhat of a nerf, so ma...