恶魔之牙(The Demons Teeth):弗拉兹厄鲁在从流放中返回后不久便愤怒的创造出了这片广阔的无踪的山脉,在持续数年的狂怒中将位面本身的构造参差不齐的撕扯拔高。极为陡峭的山表和崖壁给攀爬者带来了很大的危险,他们必须小心避免会导致严重后果的撕裂伤。四片浮胀汁液的深湖坐落于山间,成为了不愿离开该层面的弗拉兹厄...
那些召唤恶魔(demons)者会使用一种被称为深渊(Abyss)印记的环型符文,它那7个发光尖头每一个都代表着所谓的7种大罪之一。还有被用于另外魔族的其他的图案。比如,使用生物的组织和血液制造的法阵可被用于召唤链魔(kytons)。一些咒法师相信,如果他们站在一个反邪恶法阵(magic circle against evil)内,他们会在一名...
Related, but about Juiblex and Zuggtmoy: What demons are related to the demon lords Juiblex and Zuggtmoy? Unlike that first question, I'm only interested in demons specifically (unless the creature has business existing in the Abyss, such as a yugoloth; I assume that pretty much only ...
Lesser demons in need of disciplinary action and captured mages will now be forced to undergo a procedure that turns them into living Antimagic totems. Supplies of these totems will be limited by our supplies and ability to produce them, but creative placement should...
一些判魂魔声称自己掌管着无底深渊中诞生恶魔的肉质区域(the fleshy realms that birth new demons),另一些则掌握着无底深渊中最为重要和隐秘的深谷。通常,判魂魔在无底深渊中的国度甚至比最大的人类国家还要宽广和强大,因为判魂魔展示了一个奇异的天赋来管理和统御混乱的深渊。凡人召唤者常常为了无以伦比但无比疯狂...
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Can they slay devils and demons, overcome giants and bandits, deal with plants and trolls, and assemble all that they need to overcome the beast? Children of the Earth. Connors brings you three new playable dwarf subraces. The wild Flint Dwarves are strong and volatile; the exalted Jade ...
http://www.namipan.com/d/The%20Slayers%20Guide%20to%20Demons.pdf/3c5eeaff368c3f6b7bd55e7215e6ce69637dead9b3804c02 轰杀龙 http://www.namipan.com/d/The%20Slayers%20Guide%20to%20Dragons.pdf/5c7b8c21bcbd7724eb4a688f004bbfad414d887f4aba0f02 轰杀杜佳矮人(不确定)Duergar http://www.nam...