法术Spells(9/8/7/8/4/2/1)*:1级:祝福术bless,治愈轻伤cure light wounds(×2),侦测魔法detect magic,亡灵无视术invisibility to Undead,黑暗术darkness,防护善良protection from good,圣域术sanctuary;2级:援助术aid,魅惑人类或不如动物charm person or mammal,灼热金属heat metal(×2),人类定身术hold person...
别称:神秘女士The Lady of Mysteries,魔法之母the Mother of All Magic 圣徽: 一道红色雾气自中央流出,周围有七颗蓝白色的星星 居住界域:咒文之心Dweomerheart 阵营:中立善良NG 神职:魔法Magic,法术Spells,魔法网络the Weave 信徒:精灵,半精灵,咒术师,术士,咒火引导者,法师 牧师阵营:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱...
Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, brute-force mind control, and much more. ...
Preparing for a single climactic battle with the dark overlord of the horde? Convert all of your slots into the highest level you can cast, and make every turn the best it can be. Metamagic offers another way to spend Sorcery Points: modifying spells as you cast them. This allows you ...
Magic Initiate (Cleric) feat after a brief encounter with a cosmic deity who was willing to share some secrets. While early feats will be a staple feature in One D&D (more on this later in the guide), there aren’t currently many backgrounds with such easy access to feats and spells. ...
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless he wishes to beaffected, Kyuss is immune to spells of 6th level orlower. He has advantage on saving throws against allother spells and magical effects.Magic Weapons. Kyuss’ melee and ranged attacks aremagical. 来自iPhone客户端12楼2024-04-15 22:51 回复 ...
法术塑形Sculpt Spells 第2级起,你的塑能系法术作用范围里可以保留一小部分相对安全的区域。你施展某个塑能系法术时,如果该法术的效应影响你能看见的其他生物,则你可以从中指定一定数量的生物作特殊处理。被指定生物的数量等于1+该法术的环阶,而被指定生物进行该法术豁免时将直接判为成功,且豁免成功伤害减半的法术...
The feats, spells, prestige classes, magic and mundane items, and T C two books share a similar outline, and there are several other rules to help address the situations they face. These goodies aren’t U parallels in content as well, just for the cleric and paladin, either—characters ...
只要是疾病就必然能驱逐?再比如这个, 法术名称: Hide from Dragons 避龙术 法术等级: ◎七级法术 7-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 法术派系: ★防护系 Abjuration 组件: SM 施法时间: 单动作 射程: 接触 持续时间: 10m/级(D) 豁免: 意志 N SR:可摘要: 你接触到的生物(1个生物/2级)无法被龙 分享101赞...
米尔寇教派法术Myrkulyte Spells 除了列于此处的宗教特殊法术外,建议扩大米尔寇神职人员的潜在法术选择范围到列于《完全死灵师手册Complete Book of Necromancers》的祭司法术。 骨啮术Bone Bite (转化Alteration,塑能Evocation,死灵Necromancy) 领域Sphere:战斗Combat,死灵Necromantic 距离Range:5码/等级 组件Components:言...