9. Gladiator Another day at the Colosseum. [Art by Mazertyoung] Gladiators may sound like another fighter variant, but really this particular homebrew class emphasizes the more bard-like aspects of the historic gladiators. It presents an interesting strength and charisma oriented character type that...
I haven't done cosplay yet, but I will be going to Megacon in Orlando as a tiefling swashbuckler (my upcoming character for homebrew campaign). I have most of my costume including a great long pirate coat I got at the Tampa Ren Faire, which I love (Faire and coat). I still need ...
1.43 cyberpunkgame 1.43 dccomics 1.43 writing 1.42 community 1.42 shitliberalssay 1.41 leagueoflegends 1.41 shouldibuythisgame 1.41 intj 1.41 walkaway 1.41 borderlands3 1.41 thefalconandthews 1.40 iamverysmart 1.40 dataisbeautiful 1.40 demonssouls 1.40 memes 1.40 onepiece 1.39...