Raising a family has never been so easy. [Art by Travis Bagwell] While necromancers may be in the base book, many potential undead lords may find the base wizard subclass lacking. As such, the homebrew necromancer attempts a far more flavorful version of the necromancer. Necromancer Strengths...
Classes Items Feats Racial Feats Miscellaneous Homebrew UA All Spells •Artificer Spells •Bard Spells •Cleric Spells •Druid Spells •Paladin Spells •Ranger Spells •Sorcerer Spells •Warlock Spells •Wizard Spells School •Abjuration ...
New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities, etc. (145 items) Pathfinder Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities, etc. (410 items) System Reference Document Pages published by Paizo that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. (3059 items) ...
GMbinder - Create and curate homebrew content Donjon - Awesome resource for everything! Massive DM's Toolkit - Tons of online DM resources The Dungeon Master's Toolkit - More DM resources r/dndnext's Resourcelist - List of various 5E resources D&D Wiki - Home of user-generated homebrew pag...
Fifth Edition (5e) Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) (DnD) Tools, Rules, Races, Classes, Feats, Backgrounds, Items, Spells, Monsters, Character Builder, Character Generator, Character Sheet, Homebrew, Marketplace, Digital Books, and More Contact info www.dndbeyond.com ...
Deity information is from DnDwiki (homebrew) and wikipedia. All the information provided by the application are bound by the terms of the Open game License v1.1 of Wizards of the Coast. A copy of this license can be downloaded here: http://media.wizards.com/2016/downloads/SRD-OGL_V1.1....
CritterDB Import v1.0.5 Allows for importing homebrew monsters from CritterDB. A button will appear at the bottom of the Compendiums tab and import them to the compendium CritterDB - MyCritters. NOTE: I usually keep this disabled until I need to import something. Why retired: I haven't ...
New classes, equipment, feats, races, creatures, deities, etc. (145 items) Pathfinder Homebrew Content New classes, equipment, backgrounds, creatures, deities, etc. (410 items) System Reference Document Pages published by Paizo that are allowed to be on D&D Wiki. (3059 items) ...
D&D4 Wiki at Wikia is the public wiki about the 4th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role playing game.
I routinely incorporate “canon” material into my game, but love to fill in the gaps with my own homebrew. I’ll even try and marry the old and new lore on occasion. For example, in 5e they gender bend the ruler of Falkovnia – Vlad Drakov – into Vladeska Drakov. In my game, ...