Slightly risky way: Have the rogue try to grapple the orc and drag them away (Per @user48255's answer) If the rogue can manage to grapple and drag the orc away then it forces the orc to spend their action breaking free of the grapple. And spending that action mea...
They have advantage on checks against the grappled condition, and from level five onwards, they can become Large for 10 minutes, which gives them advantage on Strength checks and increases their speed by 10 feet. Additionally, the 2024 Goliath chooses one ability that’s unique to their ...
Enemies/environmental hazards which impede spellcasting (such as frequently trying to grapple/restrain the Warlock) Enemies which are specialized to deal high damage to the Warlock, representing enemies' high priority on taking the Warlock out of the fight (high-damage s...
破坏物件 Breaking Objects -以一个动作,你能随意打破甚至摧毁一个脆弱的非魔法物件,例如一盏玻璃容器或一张纸。如果你试图对更坚韧的东西造成伤害,DM可能会采用术语汇编中的破坏物件规则。 +以一个动作,你能随意打破甚至摧毁一个脆弱的非魔法物件,例如一盏玻璃容器或一张纸。如果你试图对更坚韧的东西造成伤害...
破坏物件 Breaking Objects -以一个动作,你能随意打破甚至摧毁一个脆弱的非魔法物件,例如一盏玻璃容器或一张纸。如果你试图对更坚韧的东西造成伤害,DM可能会采用术语汇编中的破坏物件规则。 +以一个动作,你能随意打破甚至摧毁一个脆弱的非魔法物件,例如一盏玻璃容器或一张纸。如果你试图对更坚韧的东西造成伤...
There is no language that indicates that the saddle gives you advantage in grapple breaking. (PHB. p.155): A military saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. It gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. That would include ...
EDIT: Added as many people wronlgy focused on the rope example I am looking for the 'general' rule about reduce if something is effectively prevented from going smaller or breaking apart in the process...either TIED/NAILED/SCREWED to something else. A better example...
One way to do that is cast a bunch of Eldritch Blasts with the Repelling Blast invocation, that hit (no damage, but target shoved or moved for each blast that hits). Have your Barbarian grapple, Shove/drag/pull the target, and hope that the Barbarian has more HP than the target. At...
Of course, finding synergies is half of the fun of building characters (or Magic: the Gathering decks, if you are into that - where combo decks demonstrate how individually innocous elements can combine to create something that can be game-breaking). All the "special" features in this build...