TheSquat Nimblenessfeat improves the speed of Dwarves and Small races by five feet. It has the additional bonuses of proficiency in athletics or acrobatics, advantage to escape being grappled, and a plus-one to Strength or Dexterity. Magic for speed improvements Spells are a common way to impr...
Gate spell to create a portal to Carceri, push the enemy through, close the Gate. Option 1 would seem to be the more permanent of the two, but of course True Polymorph grants a saving throw, which the enemy would in all likelihood succeed in (+9 to WIS...
Grappler now has a level four prerequisite, but you can take the feat if you have a 13+ StrengthorDexterity. Grappler now comes with a +1 to your Strength or Dexterity, as well as a once-per-turn ability to deal damageanddo aDnD grapplewith a single Unarmed Strike action on your turn...
Common people are supposed to die when struck by a long sword. This makes sense. Most humans off the street would likely die if I were to run them through with a long sword. It's a killing tool and most non-warriors wouldn't know how to respond to a blow. Many wouldn't even dodg...