附赠动作Bonus Action 以附赠动作施法的法术特别迅捷。你可以在自已回合内以一个附赠动作施展该法术,前...
附赠动作Bonus Action 以附赠动作施法的法术特别迅捷。你可以在自已回合内以一个附赠动作施展该法术,前...
- **属性修正**:属性值减去10后除以2的结果,用于计算攻击加值、技能检定等。 ### 4. Action - **动作**:角色在回合中可以执行的主要活动,如攻击、施法等。 ### 5. Bonus Action - **附赠动作**:某些特定动作或能力允许角色在回合中额外执行的次要活动。 ### 6. Class - **职业**:角色的职业,决...
- **属性修正**:属性值减去10后除以2的结果,用于计算攻击加值、技能检定等。 ### 4. Action - **动作**:角色在回合中可以执行的主要活动,如攻击、施法等。 ### 5. Bonus Action - **附赠动作**:某些特定动作或能力允许角色在回合中额外执行的次要活动。 ### 6. Class - **职业**:角色的职业,决...
Since you don't need to use your action to borrow their senses, this method also works for spells that require your action. (Which is just as well since there are no bonus action spells with touch range that make spell attacks at the time they're cast.) Share Follow ...
Extra Attack lets you attack twice in a turn, and Battle Magic lets you make a weapon attack as a bonus action if you spent your action casting a Bard spell. College of Glamour Found in: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Level Subclass ability 3 Mantle of Inspiration, Enthralling Performan...
Hares?? – If aDnD Druidused theirWild Shapeto turn into a Hare, they could Disengage as a bonus action. If they were a level 18 Druid, they could be casting spells in Hare form with their action, but otherwise this option doesn’t have much to offer. ...
Banishment4Abjuration1 ActionNoYesPlayers Handbook Bless1Enchantment1 ActionNoYesPlayers Handbook Blinding Smite3Evocation1 Bonus ActionNoYesPlayers Handbook Branding Smite2Evocation1 Bonus ActionNoYesPlayers Handbook Ceremony (Ritual)1Abjuration1 HourYesNoXanathars Guide To Everything ...
Similarly, if they are 5ft away then a bonus action dash is superior to an action dash. This means it will be inherently unbalanced, even if you only let them move 5ft. There are a lot of options for your players already in the game, I would encourage them to pick o...
Conjuration Level:1 Casting time:1 Bonus Action Range:Self Components:V Duration:Concentration, up to 1 minute The next time you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack before the spell ends, this spell creates a rain of thorns that sprouts from your ranged weapon or ammunition. In additi...