You don't get "blank" bonus actions that you "spend" to do "Specific Bonus Action Name" all maybe granted separately — the specific bonus action is simply available, and there is nothing otherwise to spend. The only reason bonus actions are all called "bonus actions" is so that the...
{The quote below} was addressing bonus actions and reactions that have triggers. A bonus action that has no trigger—such as Cunning Action and the misty step spell—can take place whenever you want on your turn (PH, 189). No general rule allows you to insert ...
Created the Miscellaneous Bonus section and moved the Actions Boosts, Sunder, and Imp Sunder there.--Hammersong 17:51, August 18, 2006 (EDT) That's CIRCULAR REASONING. You have decided that feats must give dodge bonuses, because you think that only dodge bonuses stack. Therefore you ignore ...
I'd suggest a mere 5 feet of movement, if you're hell-bent on adding this bonus action. It's better than what the players have right now, it isn't a good alternative to any of the bonus actions available through other means (assuming the character is in a position to...
Usually, in combat, ability checks require your action. So as you point out, if he actively did so, that would have taken his action. You forgot this, so lets say you as the DM decided this spotting was done passively and free of an action cost. Barbarian used: 0 actions, 0 bonus ...
dnd-5e-2014 actions readied-action bonus-action. Featured on Meta Upcoming initiatives on Stack Overflow and across the Stack Exchange network... More network sites to see advertising test Linked 10 What else can you do in the turn you ready an action? Related 23 Can I Ready an...
You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dnd-5e-2014 homebrew-review actions action-economy. Featured on Meta We’re (finally!) going to the cloud! Updates to the upcoming Community Asks Sprin...
The rule for bonus actions says: You choose when to take a bonus action during your turn, unless the bonus action's timing is specified, and anything that deprives you of your ability to take actions also prevents you from taking a bonus action. ...
It is reasonable for them to be different kinds of Bonus Actions (qualified by spell), or the same Bonus Action (a mental Command Bonus Action), with possibly different effects. If we go with "the same kind of bonus action, just different effects" as the plain-English reading ...
answered Dec 18, 2018 at 16:41 Winterborne 34311 silver badge55 bronze badges Add a comment You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dnd-5e-2014 spells actions healing readied-action. Fea...