D R A C O N O M I C O N ™ Andy Collins, Skip Williams, James Wyatt D E V E L O P E R A R T D I R E C T O R Andy Collins Dawn Murin D E S I G N A S S I S T A N C E C O V E R A R T Ed Stark, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel Todd Lockwood I N T ...
zzt Do'Urden Drow male 16th-level ranger ARMOR CLASS: -8 MOVE: 12 HIT POINTS: 92 THAC0: 5 NO. OF ATTACKS: 5 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8+7 (x3), 1d8+5 (x2) MAGIC RESISTANCE: 82%; +2 on saves vs. magic ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good STR 13 DEX 20 CON 15 INT 17 WIS 17 CHA 14 Spell-lik...
As soon as a Sorcerer chooses this subclass at level three,Draconic Resilienceincreases their maximum HP by three. It then increases by one whenever they gain another Sorcerer level. Plus, while not wearing any armor, a Draconic Sorcerer has an armor class of 10 plus their Dexterity and Charis...
For example, one of the best subclasses for Sorcerer is Draconic Bloodline because it gives you a massive boost to your AC (Armor Class). If you play a Half-Elf, you’ll get a boost in Charisma and an ability called Fey Ancestry, which gives you Advantage (the ability to roll twice ...
High Dexterity is also important, but it comes third in the order of priority. It increases armor class and synergizes with another defensive ability, the Danger Sense class feature. This grants advantage to a Barbarian’s Dexterity saving throws against traps, spells and other hazards, as they...
As a rule, Dexterity should always take precedence for a Rogue, since it determines their effectiveness with ranged and light melee weapons, feeds their Armor Class score, and will benefit all the generically Roguish moves. Constitution can be a lifesaver for melee Rogues planning to get into cl...
They usually use armor to fight against their opponents and sweep through the shadows as still as a cat does. In addition to all these features, the power in hand is quite impressive and holds the capacity to kill any enemy just with a single punch. The gear of the bugbear is not in ...
边栏:着甲施法Casting in Armor 当你于穿着护甲期间施展法术时,你必须具备该种护甲的受训,否则你将因护甲的妨碍而无法施展法术。 <STRONG><FONT color=#800000>始终准备的法术 Always-Prepared Spells<BR></FONT></STRONG>某些特性会给予你某道你始终准备的法术。如果你拥有一个可供更改的准备...
Rogues often work best when using finesse weapons in melee combat or just staying out of a fight and using ranged weapons. They also favor light armor, as many of their abilities are tied to movement, evading harm, and hiding from foes. Regarding stats, players should favor Dexterity first,...
a. I'm trying to decide on whether the critical hit happens if they hit against the armor class, or whether it should happen regardless. I think the final interpretation should be determined based on how overpowered/underpowered the rest of the sword is. b. This feature is mainly...