The components section for forbiddance says: V, S, M (a sprinkling of holy water, rare incense, and powdered ruby worth at least 1,000 gp) This does not explicitly state that the spell consumes them, which is the norm for spells that consume their material components. However, the s...
If there are any abuses with a spell like this please let me know, I put the 60ft range on it because it is only intended to protect things my character is carrying, I am happy to change that to a shorter distance if it makes sense, but 60ft felt right. The basic idea of the ...
"I'm so glad someone did this. I have been looking for an on-line spell card generator. You're awesome" Anonymous - User "Keep up the good work, it's a fantastic tool that has filled a gaping hole in my group's play! Anonymous - User "I am so excited to find this site! What...
Pick one animal, object, or supernatural impact inside the range. Any spell of third level or lower on the objective end. For each spell of fourth level or higher on the objective, make a capacity check utilizing your spellcasting capacity. The DC rises to 10 + the spell’s level. On ...
In WotC RPG Dungeons and Dragons, counterspell 5e is the ultimate ‘how about no’ spell – it’s also surprisingly complex, so here’s a helpful counterspell guide
With DnD Teleport 5e, a wizard can zip around the world and bring their friends along for the ride - here’s how teleport and teleportation circles work in D&D
Components:V, M (a snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or a drop of sweet oil) Duration:24 hours You suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two) and magically influence up to twelve creatures of your choice that you can see within range and that can hear ...
spell-options .gitignore TheReincarnation Optionstable and all subsequent tables below can optionally replace the table found in thereincarnatespell's description. Reincarnation Options d100Species 1-2Aarakocra ...
your enemies will definitely be surprised when their heads get chopped off. Grab your burglar’s tools and your battle ax as we go through everything you need to know Read the full blog post here: Like our con...