About material components A character can use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus in place of the components specified for a spell. But if a cost is indicated for a component, a character must have that specific component before he or she can cast the spell. (PHB...
One of the uses of the wish spell is to emulate any spell of 8th level or lower "without meeting any requirements" of that spell. It is already clear from wish's description that costly material components are to be discarded, but what about other requirements of a spell...
Functional 5e spell list by class and level javascript ruby css html jekyll grimoire dnd5e dnd-tools Updated Feb 21, 2025 SCSS thomascgray / fantasy-content-generator Star 62 Code Issues Pull requests Generate D&D 5E-flavoured fantasy content for your app, video game, website, etc. dn...
Components: V, S, M (a sliver of glass) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minuteYou fill the air with spinning daggers in a cube 5 feet on each side, centered on a point you choose within range. A creature takes 4d4 slashing damage when it enters the spell’s area for the first ti...
In DnD 5e, Disintegrate can be cast by Sorcerers or Wizards. You’ll need verbal, somatic, and material components to cast the spell, so magic words, hand twirling, and ingredients are needed. If for some reason you’re not using an arcane focus or component pouch, you’ll need a lod...
How to cast haste 5e First, choose a willing creature you can see within the spell’s range. You’ll need verbal and somatic gestures to cast haste, so get those arms waving and those words chanted. The required material component is a shaving of liquorice root – with this, you’re pr...
Check also:All D&D 5e Spells Dispel Magic 5e Casting Time:1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V S Duration: Instantaneous Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard As indicated by your activity, you can contact an animal with that you can arrive at enchanted, control...
Generate, save as PDF or even print your Dungeons and Dragons 5e spells. YOU choose, YOU organize.View and read up on the spells. Create and save your own spellbook and toggle all your prepared spells, you can even keep track of your spell slots....
Counterspell (Open in new window) 3 Abjuration Special No No Players Handbook Create Bonfire (Open in new window) 0 Conjuration 1 Action No Yes Elemental Evil Create Food and Water (Open in new window) 3 Conjuration 1 Action No No Players Handbook Create Homunculus (Open in new window) 6...