by /u/dm_magic Sane Item Prices - A PDF of items which you can let your players shop for. Sane Item Prices, Searchable - Same as above, but as a Google Docs spreadsheet. Improving this Guide 🔀 Got ways to improve this guide? Just send a pull request!
If you've ever found yourself reaching for a DM's guide during a game to check some rules then this downloadableAmazonAlexa skill will be perfect for you.'Ask The DM'can be accessed by both UK and US users as a handy compendium for 5e rules. The provided list of what can be achieve...
First and foremost,D&D 5E sourcebooksmake for fantastic inspiration, such as Greek mythology-based Magic: The Gathering book Beyond Theros, or the high-tech, war-driven worlds of Ebberron. There are so many distinctDnD settingsto place a campaign in, and picking a setting and reading the supp...
This is consistent with the 5e Monster Manual, which says that slain devils return to the Nine Hells after an unspecified amount of time, and stay dead if slain in the Nine Hells. According to the D&D 5e Monster Manual, lemures can be slain permanently in the Nine Hells if kille...