So, when inserting a row into the item table for Sling Bullets, I wanted to follow the example of Arrows and Crossbow Bolts and put them in as a single object with a single value, although in the PHB itself only a price for Sling Bullets (20) is given. Given th...
We usually follow this homebrew guide for magical item prices, and my players have recently played through the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish adventure. In it, they obtained a cursed longsword, a Blade of the Medusa. The Longsword of the Medusa restrains and petrifies the target. When...
and as part of a long rest, you can craft a piece of gear from the Fast Crafting Table in the Player’s Handbook using the relevant Artisan’s Tools. The item lasts until your next long rest.
by /u/dm_magic Sane Item Prices - A PDF of items which you can let your players shop for. Sane Item Prices, Searchable - Same as above, but as a Google Docs spreadsheet. Improving this Guide 🔀 Got ways to improve this guide? Just send a pull request!
Because 5e D&D is vague in its magic item pricing, the DM will need to decide how costs should be handled in their game. The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides a wide range of prices for each tier of rarity, but the revised prices from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything provide a better ...
A while back I took a look at the listed costs to create items and the prices you could buy/sell them for in almost all cases the cost to create turned out to be greater than the average price to buy/sell an item. I, personally, also have some significant problems with how ...
Either the item is given as a reward for a task done and worth 500gp or the item is bought with 500gp worth of gold earned. Either way the DM has a method by which to reward the characters with something which opens up more spells. When you break down the economics or the price ...
Souls turned into soul coins have two paths; one is to be used as a magic item that provides some small buffs until such time that the magic item's charges are expended and the soul is released to return to River Styx; or a worse fate which is to end up fueling an inferna...
This leads to a new situation (hopefully one that requires action), so continue with item 1. At first, you might want to start with very concrete situations where it very obvious that player action is required: Three bugbears crash through the underbrush storming towards you, their weapons ...