外层位面Outer Planes带毒气体的集团如同污秽的云层一样飞速略过深红色的穹丘。它们旋转汇聚成型如同巨眼一般俯视下来,却又在凝聚视线前便消散,仿佛单纯只为一次次的重新能聚成型。在红宝石光芒之下正是一片黑暗的噩梦之地,那是一片光秃的岩石,是四处绽放的火花和闪烁的焰火,而一切都在这若隐若现的幽影中匍匐滑行...
矮人神系以男性为主,这反映了矮人种群的性别失衡。不像精灵神系,摩丁萨曼诸神的成员散居在各个外层位面the Outer Planes。这可能是矮人对于领土与生存空间的欲望的象征和反映;这就像凡物矮人会去不断探索地表世界下的新疆域一样。祂们有个怪癖,只要有可能,就会尽量让自己的化身展现地身材巨大——以摩拉丁为例,高达...
Planes 第章:运作游戏 8 Running the Game 位面旅行Planar Travel 星界位面Astral Plane 跑团原则Table Rules 以太位面Ethereal Plane 掷骰The Role of Dice 妖精荒野Feywild 属性值应用Using Ability Scores 堕影冥界Shadowfell 探索Exploration 内层位面Inner Planes 社交Social Interaction 外层位面Outer Planes 物件...
•Scion of the Outer Planes Strixhaven •Strixhaven Initiate •Strixhaven Mascot Dragonlance •Adept of the Black Robes •Adept of the Red Robes •Adept of the White Robes •Divinely Favored •Initiate of High Sorcery •Knight of the Crown ...
外层位面层域Layers of the Outer Planes +style='FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman",serif; COLOR: maroon; mso-bidi-font-family: 宋体; mso-fareast-font-family: 黑体'>Layers of the Outer Planes大多数外层位面包括着许多不同的环境或领域。这些领域经常被描绘或描述为同一位面中一堆叠起来相互关联的部分,...
bought 5e. I have been reading piles of the 5e books both core rules, expansions and the adventures. Here is what I have seen. Alot of story stuff, be it deep or thin, its still there.. yet alot of the DMing stuff is left to the DM to figure out. The adventure books are ...
死亡生物的灵魂已经离开其身体,并前往了外层位面Outer Planes,复活该生物还需要其魂魄被呼唤归来。 @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ 回避Dodge【动作】 执行回避动作时,你将获得以下增益:直至你的下个回合开始,只要你能够看见攻击者,则任何以你为目标的攻击检定具有劣势,且你进行的敏捷豁免检定具有优势。 - 如果...
Another strongly thematic, but very narrow subclass, those who take theOath of the Watchers 5ededicate themselves to warding off extraplanar threats. If the campaign you’re playing is likely to sweep you across the planes, or bring you face-to-face with otherworldlyDnD monsters, then this sub...
外层位面Outer Planes带毒气体的集团如同污秽的云层一样飞速略过深红色的穹丘。它们旋转汇聚成型如同巨眼一般俯视下来,却又在凝聚视线前便消… (5e)第三章:职业 法师 午夜阑珊 法师Wizard精灵身上的银袍正是其身份象征。只见她凝神闭眼,摒除战场干扰后平静的咏唱法术。随着手指在身前轻盈的舞动,完成的法术结成一枚小...
Whether your preferred destination is the Inner or Outer Planes, a lesser-known demiplane, or somewhere even more unusual, these character options are perfect for those who want just little more than the Prime Material can offer. By Anthony Jennings; illustrated by Ellis Goodson. Over the Next...