Monster Blocks - Adds an NPC sheet in the style of the traditional 5e monster blocks. Why not install: Super cool-looking, but I prefer Tidy5e instead for NPCs. Scene Defaults - Allows you to template your new scenes. Interesting concept, could save time, especially because of the Perfect...
NPC Tools for creating NPCs RPG Tinker Cellule's NPC Generator - source code Total Party Kill NPC Generator Google Sheets NPC Generator NPCbase - Background generator for NPCs Subclass Statblocks - Also includes CR ratings for each subclass Encounter Tools ...
Includes three statblocks: Obscurati Researcher (CR 11), Ten-Headed Lion (CR 14), Elite Dreadnought (CR 13). Villain Spotlight: Dras’a Wolf. This entry into the Villain Spotlight series is all about the scourge of the seas men know as Dras'A the Wolf, a hobgoblin pirate with ...
Goblin 5e Monster stats Players don’t get to haveallthe fun when it comes to the Goblin 5e race – these little green folks are a diverse bunch, and many remain firmly in the camp of hostile NPC (a.k.a.DnD monsters) under the control of the Dungeon Master. Here are the base Gobli...
has been guarding a caravan, but they are now stranded due to a sudden lack of trade. This is when the Town Mayor approaches them to offer them a job. This beautifully formatted one-shot has everything you need and more, including maps, NPC portraits, read-aloud texts, and statblocks!
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft recommends making your standardD&D monstersmore horrible by tinkering with their stat blocks. While this might give your players a nasty shock, there are also plenty of unique creatures haunting Ravenloft that are guaranteed to get some spines tingling. ...
For example, in 5e they gender bend the ruler of Falkovnia – Vlad Drakov – into Vladeska Drakov. In my game, Valdeska is the daughter of the original Dark Lord who has systematically butchered her many, many siblings to take the reigns of power as the undisputed ruler of the land. ...
A frontend web application for creating creature statblocks for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. javascripteditordndfrontenddungeons-and-dragonscreatormonsterdnd5edungeonsanddragons5ecreature5th-editiondnd-toolsecmascript2018statblock-renderingsdanddstatblock-generatorstatblockdnd5e-tools5e-tools ...