A Super Powerful monster editor for D&D 5e Increase or decrease the Challenge Rating of every creature Edit the statistics of every creature inside the website Generate NPC stat blocks and apply races, classes and templates with one click
One of the reasons I find it so difficult is that the stat blocks in the game are long. And there are a lot of them. One of the introductory adventures features the characters defending a town against raiders. And every single raider has their unique stat block, taking up a third to h...
Using monster stat blocks is easy enough, but character generation is a slog. Especially if the character’s got more than a couple of experience levels. Making characters is a huge pain in the a$& in 5E. And it’s probably not necessary either. D&D characters are broad. They’re versat...
NPCs Outdoor Descriptions Plot Hooks Plot Twist Puzzles Quests Random Misadventures Random Monster Room Descriptions Session Start Solo Dungeon Generator Towns Traps Treasure Drops Villains (BBEG) Village Map Wilderness Travel World Modules Articles ...