以下文段出自DND5E翻译版本: 赤铜龙巢穴A Copper Dragon’s Lair 赤铜龙居住在干燥的高地或峰顶上,它们筑巢于这些地区中 狭窄的洞穴里。巢穴内隐秘假墙后的厅室内则贮存着宝贵的矿石、 艺术品以及其他在其漫长生命中收集到的古怪物件。一些不值钱 的物品还会刻意的摆放在开放的洞穴内以挑逗寻宝者,并将他们 的注意...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现桌游驿站 DnD 5E 沃洛怪谈 01 Beholder Lair 跑团棋盘 TRPG 地图的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于桌游驿站 DnD 5E 沃洛怪谈 01 Beholder Lair 跑团棋盘 TRPG 地图的信息,请来
From registration to mandatory service to guild enforcement, these ideas can help add verisimilitude to your game and create new plot ideas. Illustrated by Indi Martin. The Holdenshire Chronicles (Act 3): Into the Dragon's Lair. The third and final act of TO SLAY A DRAGON! The heroes have...
Dungeons & Dragons boss fights are more epic than ever, with Lair Actions and Mythic Actions in addition to monsters' actual turns. Players need to prepare accordingly and require the option to equip themselves with magic items appropriate to their level. Alternatively, the DM can set individual...
I’m currently re-evaluating my relationship status with DrivethruRPG due to their actions (or rather inactions) concerning an offensive product they continue to allow to be sold on the platform. Jim Raggi of the LoTFP uploaded an adventure titled “Zak has nothing to do with this book”,...