Kobold Press releases the first playtest for Project Black Flag, and so far the new RPG system is sticking hard to its D&D 5e compatibility
TheKobold 5erace may be small, but they’re stuffed full of skills that’ll help any crafty Rogue. They benefit from Darkvision, but more importantly, playing a Kobold means you get the Draconic Cry and Kobold Legacy traits. The first lets you shout at an enemy 10ft in front of you. ...
全称为《进阶专长:先知远见(开拓者角色扮演游戏)》,出版社为Paizo授权的Kobold Press,你可能更熟悉他...
Kobold Fight Club - Widely known as one of the greatest random encounter generators out there. RPG Tinkerer - Combat NPCs. D&D 5e Random Character Generator - Non-combat NPCs with images. NPC Generator - More non-combat NPCs with personality quirks. Eigengraus Essential Establishment Generator -...
Whatever their relationship to dragons, kobold scales tend to be rust colored, although the occasional kobold sports a scale color more akin to that of a chromatic or a metallic dragon. A kobold’s cry can express a range of emotion: anger, resolve, elation, fear, and more. Regardless of...
》出版社为Paizo授权的Kobold Press,你可能更熟悉他们的另一款作品,由威世智委托制作的5E官方模组《...
When a group of Kobolds or Goblins get the drop on you and are enjoying substantial cover advantages, Sleep’s the perfect answer. Enhance Ability Level: Two The spell does exactly what it sounds like it does, temporarily boosting an ability score for a given character. It can help ...
》出版社为Paizo授权的Kobold Press,你可能更熟悉他们的另一款作品,由威世智委托制作的5E官方模组《...
1级可以打出20D6(远程接触,反射DC20减半,一半是火焰伤害)的夸张伤害 其他的等有空了再找找 ...