TheKobold 5erace may be small, but they’re stuffed full of skills that’ll help any crafty Rogue. They benefit from Darkvision, but more importantly, playing a Kobold means you get the Draconic Cry and Kobold Legacy traits. The first lets you shout at an enemy 10ft in front of you. ...
TheKobold 5erace offers a few spellcasting options, and their Draconic Cry gives you advantage on attack rolls against enemies at close range, so your Artificer has some solid combat options. There’s also a lot of fun to be had in roleplaying a Kobold Artificer. There are only so many ...
Living along with theplaces of theirold planes,Githyanki 5eis the race that is well known for its slender and slim humanoids with rough and leathery skin. These are the Astral Planes who own bright black-colored eyes. Being one of the most attentive and fast-responding races ofD&D 5e Rac...
The kobold connection to dragons can manifest in unpredictable ways in an individual kobold. Choose one of the following legacy options when you select this race: You have advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself. You know one cantrip of your choice from...
CharacterData = { name: String, gender: String, alignment: String, age: Number, background: String, level: Number } RaceData = { name: String, link: String, size: String, speed: Number } ClassData = { name: String, link: String, stats: { strength: StatData, dexterity: StatData, co...
Michael McCarthy takes a hard look at Kobolds and reveals the truth about them and their origins - the primal Kobalds. The dog-faced Kobalds differ to Kobolds, as do the Kobaloi, a race of immortal troublemakers. Also included are the Kobold Tunneler, Kobold Poisoner, and information ...
OrcPub - Online 5e character generator tool. Kobold Fight Club - An online encounter building tool. The Trove - Huge archive of official and fan-made rule books, adventures and guides. Random Magic Items by Birdoge - Roll to generate magical item drops. Dungeon Master's Cheat Sheet - Handy...
However on an early level before the elavator for the mine, they had to bypass the kobolds, both ways. They were expertly run and frequently used hit and run tactics. The moral I am trying to get at here is that dont let the first combat be the focus. This exper...
If you find out the underlying intention of the PC, you can find a way by changing a starting weapon of a class into something that does exactly the thing the player wants to do, but you then keep the stats of that starting equipment. For example: Somoene in a one-off...
Starting stats Race The Eladrin have ties to the Feywild, so they fit the theme of this Bard subclass. Plus, you can assign your ability score increases however you like – we recommend adding a +2 to Charisma and a +1 to Dexterity. ...