Here is the detailed intro about all the Half-Elf Races in the DND 5E game. The speed, size, age, alignment, tools, languages, ability to interact, points, and all other data. Your half-elf character has some qualities in common with elves and some that are unique to half-elves. ...
第1 章:一步步创建角色 Step-by-Step Characters 高于1 级 Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族 Races 选择一个种族 Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf半身人Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf半兽人Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业 Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian吟游诗人Bard 牧师...
矮人Dwarf 由胡须、肌肉、烈酒混合而成的炫酷矮小种族。 精灵Elf 有着超凡脱俗般优雅、轻灵的喉音和尖锐的耳朵的高瘦种族。 侏儒Gnome 矮小又热情的种族,享受着发明、探索、研究、创造以及玩乐。 半精灵Half-Elf 人类和精灵的后代,三版最弱五版滥强的种族。在2024版5E被删除 半身人 Halfling 矮小温顺天真的种族,经...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Half-elf The Half-elf 5e race is arguably the perfect choice for a Bard, because, right away, you get a +2 to your Charisma, and each subclass grants an additional +1 you can add wherever you choose (but should probably go to your Dex or Con). Half-elf characters also get an addi...
Half-Elf 5e– Their species abilities aren’t overly useful, but a +2 to Charisma and +1 to two other ability scores help you tackle the Paladin’s MAD stats. DnD Aasimar– Flexible stats or +2 Charisma, depending on which rulebooks you use. Extra healing, damage resistances, a free ...
6Mark of Shadow Elf 7Pallid Elf 8Sea Elf 9Shadar-kai 10Wood Elf (roll onWood Elvestable for variant) d6Variant 1Half-Elf 2Aquatic Half-Elf 3Drow Half-Elf 4High Half-Elf 5Wood Half-Elf 6Dragonmarked Half-Elf (roll onDragonmarked Half-Elvestable for dragonmark) ...
精灵Elf 社交Social Interaction 半身人Halfling 休息Resting 人类Human 冒险之余Between Adventures 龙裔Dragonborn 第章:战斗 9 Combat 侏儒Gnome 战斗流程The Order of Combat 半精灵Half-Elf 移动与位置Movement and Position 半兽人Half-Orc 战斗动作Action in Combat 提夫林Tiefling 发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:...
Golden eyes flashing, a human stretches out her hand and unleashes the dragonfire that burns in her veins. As an inferno rages around her foes, leathery wings spread from her back and she takes to the air. Long hair whipped by a conjured wind, a half-elf spreads his arms wide and thro...