Here is the detailed intro about all the Half-Elf Races in the DND 5E game. The speed, size, age, alignment, tools, languages, ability to interact, points, and all other data.
精灵Elf 社交Social Interaction 半身人Halfling 休息Resting 人类Human 冒险之余Between Adventures 龙裔Dragonborn 第章:战斗 9 Combat 侏儒Gnome 战斗流程The Order of Combat 半精灵Half-Elf 移动与位置Movement and Position 半兽人Half-Orc 战斗动作Action in Combat 提夫林Tiefling 发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:...
the ability. This ability does not prevent an effect that causes death instead of merely reducing the hit points, however. When a half-orc player gets a critical hit, they can roll an extra damage die and add it to the critical hit damage. And what are the best 5E classes for half-...
The 2024 rulebook replaces the Half-Elf and the Half-Orc with the following: DnD 2024 Aasimar DnD Goliath DnD Orc Alignment Your alignment determines your character’s moral compass. It’s mainly a roleplaying tool, but it occasionally has a mechanical effect in-game. Here’s a guide to...
Its goal is to eventually contribute these hooks directly to the core 5e system and disappear. The API is going to follow Semantic Versioning as it is likely to undergo sizable changes as the hooks are hammered out. LPT: Use CONFIG.debug.hooks = true or Developer Mode to more easily explor...
5e has nothing like that in the PHB and, frankly, there is nothing preventing you as DM from doing whatever makes sense to. For instance you could say that an adult elf of over a century of age is, indeed, a rather high level NPC and regular level 1 elves are often no ...
Play a wood elf-they get a 5ft bonus to move speed (or a half elf with wood elf ancestry from SCAG). Take the squat nimbleness racial feat in xanathar’s-it gives a +5ft bonus to speed. Take the mobile feat-it offers a +10ft bonus. Use the Longstrider spell-it ...
Elf subraces in DnD 5e DnDElf subracesin 5E cover multiple different histories and cultures. Many of these, such as the sylvan Wood Elves, regal High Elves and subterranean Dark Elves can be found across the many planes of the multiverse, while the Pallid Elves are native to the Critical ...
Oracle Details: 1. Scholar Scholar in His Study [Art by Rembrandt] For those who don’t wish to be a wizard, cleric, or any sort of caster, yet still want to play an intelligent character. Scholars serve as a nonmagical form of suppor...
Elf Dark Eladrin High Wood Firbolg Genasi Air Earth Fire Water Gnome Deep Forest Rock Goblin Goliath Grung Halfelf Halfling Lightfoot Stout Halforc Hobgoblin Human Kalashtar Kenku Kobold Lizardfolk Orc Shifter Beasthide Longtooth Swiftstride Wildhunt Tabaxi Tiefling Triton Warforged Envoy ...