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On the other hand, the Astral does indeed have a “graveyard” of floating god corpses in it,² and this is an area that is little-explored.³ That means it’s pretty much always possible to add new corpses to it without conflicting with any canon, because canonically n...
Whenever they’re legal backgrounds then you may want to check before you use any of them with your Dungeon Master (DM). Sources (5e backgrounds guide’s) Mentioned In The Above List Actually, we have given some sources or5e backgrounds guide’swhere you can easily find those backgrounds fo...
5.驭龙/Dragon Rein:十一环惑控术 施法时间:2小时 范围:触摸 要素:咒语V,手势S,材料M (包含至少三种龙的血液的混合血,其中须有一种族与你要驾驭的龙相同) 持续时间:15小时 必需施法者数:7 效果:目标须是大小足够套住一条龙的鞍或者类似物。在套上此鞍之后,骑手每骑龙五小时,这条龙须经过一次敏捷豁免,豁免...
¢龙枪:塔西克丝Takhisis,塔梅克斯Tamex,梅-塔特Mai-Tat,伊瑞斯忒Erestem,提姆胡特Tii'Mhut,姆瓦格Mwarg,唯一真神the One God(大灾变后的一个邪教)【头 衔】¢提亚玛特:龙后The Dragon Queen,彩色巨龙the Chromatic Dragon,诸神之敌Nemesis of the Gods,黑暗女士the Dark Lady,混乱之后Queen of Chaos,不朽...
•Way of the Ascendant Dragon •Way of the Astral Self •Way of the Drunken Master •Way of the Four Elements •Way of the Kensei •Way of the Long Death •Way of the Open Hand •Way of Shadow •Way of the Sun Soul ...
就在最近一段时间,在为mm里的每个怪物细心加上画师精美的图片后,dnd5e怪物图鉴(简称mm)最新的配图中译本(pdfv1.2版)正式出炉。 每个怪物都有精美配图,页面经过细心经过排版,游戏数据模仿英文原书独立在图旁整理成卡牌状,怪物有详细的背景介 夕拾已 00:21 23 野蛮人阵营描述,任意非守序? 明王现世 绝对...
Which type is the second dragon here? It looks very similar to silver one by its colors and scales and wings, but it has no punk-styled crest on its head which is so typical for silver dragons. dnd-5e-2014 dragons art rise-of-tiamat Share Follow...
当你需要一只善良阵营 具有掘穴速度的怪物可以使用其速度穿越沙地,土地,泥 的绿龙green dragon ,或是邪恶阵营的风暴巨人storm giant 地,以及冰面。掘穴怪物不能穿越硬质岩石,除非他具有其他 时,并没有什么可以妨碍你的创意。 可以这么做的特殊特质。 某些生物可以属于任意阵营 any alignment 中。换句话 说,你可以...