Here we have mentioned all types of DnD backgrounds list in the below chart you can get them now in the below 5e backgrounds chart.
Expertise is given to the most skillful characters in DnD 5E, and for good reason. This is an incredible ability for out-of-combat—and, occasionally, in-combat—that should not be misunderstood. Recommended Videos However, despite the fact that it exists within several classes and has ...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Pact of the Tome 5e Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list). While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They ...
A linked list in C, as generic and modular as possible, for my personal util library How to write a cooking scene without it sounding like a recipe? Can the same arguments used to reject metaphysical solipsism also support accepting the existence of God? What are the ethical con...
Here’s some of my best D&D tips for how to be a better GM and player in 5e or any TTRPG.
While complex names give you plenty of ways to be creative, we’ve got a list of Tabaxi names in case you need some inspiration. Here are some Tabaxi 5e names to choose from: Storm on the Horizon Seven Thundercloud Active Fang
In 5e, the mind of a god apparently leaves a corpse in the Astral plane (with potential regional effects). Speaking purely in terms of RAW or RAI, would Zorquan be likely to have a corpse in the Astral? (potentially with Zorquan's memories\thoughts taking tangible forms, ...
master of Warlock's Crypt,以及吉尔金Gilgeam,恩瑟的黄金王the God-King of Unther。</FONT><FONT color=#800000 size=3><STRONG>扩展法术列表 Expanded Spell List<BR></STRONG></FONT><FONT color=#000000 size=3>学习邪术师法术时,你的不朽者宗主赐予你将以下法术加入邪术师法术列表进行选择的权力。
(Auppenser) 战略女神殷红骑士(Red Knight) 水泉与和平女神埃达丝(Eldath) 森林与游侠女神梅莉凯 (Mielikki) 自然之神西凡那斯(Silvanus) 土元素之神谷蓝巴(Grumbar) 风元素女神阿卡狄(Akadi) 水 分享1赞 跑团吧 勿言勿视 固定DND团,招人中,线上语音团,5e,经验dm脾气好如题,新人大佬刁民万金油各类人群,应有...