6Lunar Boons, Waxing and Waning 14Lunar Empowerment 18Lunar Phenomenon The newest subclass,Lunar Sorcerycan be found in the 2022 campaign bookDragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. In theDragonlanceworld of Krynn, Lunar Sorcerers have been exposed to the magic of one (or more) of the planet...
there’s a whole range of viable Fighter subclasses and character builds that add complexity. Fighters also have more ability score increases to play with, meaning you can shake things up even further by experimenting with5e feats(orDnD 2024 feats, if you’re using the new rules). ...
Including the Lunar Sorcerer fromDragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, there are eight Sorcerous Origins in official books of5E. None of them have particular restrictions on obtaining them, but ask your DM before grabbing options like the Divine Soul, which are found in books other than theP...
•Way of the Ascendant Dragon •Way of the Astral Self •Way of the Drunken Master •Way of the Four Elements •Way of the Kensei •Way of the Long Death •Way of the Open Hand •Way of Shadow •Way of the Sun Soul ...
This collection of five magical masks, fashioned out of a monstrous creature's visage, imbue 5E characters with the powers of the monsters they depict. Each mask has a history, powers, plot hooks, and curses and drawbacks—the Goblin Mask, Mask of the Dragon, Dire Bear Mask, Hill Giant ...
Yes 5e is designed to be anti crafting in that sense - whether potions or magic items in most cases the cost to create is greater than the selling cost of the item - just to limit crafting. Times may have much the same problem as it may take less time to clean out...
1 Action Range/Area Touch Components V, S Duration Concentration1 Minute School Necromancy Attack/Save WIS Save Damage/Effect Debuff You touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this spell, choose ...
Dragonborn 5e– Gets a Strength and Charisma boost, and their damage resistance and Breath Weapon have a bit of synergy with the Paladin’s stats and play style. Triton – Depending on which version of the species you use, you can have totally flexible ability score increases or a +1 to ...
1 Action Range/Area Touch Components V, S Duration Concentration1 Minute School Necromancy Attack/Save WIS Save Damage/Effect Debuff You touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this spell, choose ...