1Dragon Ancestor, Draconic Resilience 6Elemental Affinity 14Dragon Wings 18Draconic Presence Most of the powers this archetype offers are intended to help you feel closer to being a dragon. Having armored skin, being able to fly, and sending enemies fleeing in fear are all great flavor, and pr...
For a long time, many players considered the Monk the worst fifth edition class of all. We don’t believe any class is rock-bottom, but the original 5e Monk class does have some drawbacks that can make it difficult to master. Thankfully, the Monk found in the 2024 Player’s Handbook f...
The Draconic Origin is a strong blaster caster with some limited durability improvements. It boosts your HP by one per level, like you had a plus-two to Constitution, and also provides you with 13 base AC. Helpful for a class that typically wears robes. The real meat of this class comes...
Draconic Gifts Epic Boons Mounts & Vehicles Supernatural Gifts Madness Alternate Rules Spell Points Homebrew Subclasses A selection of homebrew subclasses released through unofficial channels by WotC affiliated DM's Artificer •Forge Adept •Mastermaker ...
The Mahout is a new class for 5th Edition, a tamer of monsters, a character with a special bond with their devoted pet, whether that be a beast, an exotic aberration, a slime, or even a draconic creature. Also includes the Animalist subclass (two more subclasses, the Monstrous and ...