其中最突出的是 寰宇巨蛇The World Serpent 的诸多面相和九面龙神 埃欧的子孙Io's Children(巨龙神系Draconic Pantheon)‘寰宇巨蛇The World Serpent’:是一位古老而神秘的实体,曾率领诸神赢得了对荒神的黎明战争。因信徒的分化而分离出了许多面相,并最终断裂,令这些面相独立成神 ‘埃欧的子孙Io's Children’:即...
Languages: Yuan-ti, Common, Draconic, Abyssal Favored:Climate Warm Average Height:4’7″ – 6’6″ Average Weight: 90 – 280 lbs. Having the appearance of snake-like creatures,Yuan-ti-Pureblood 5eis the race that is being developed from the remains of the decadent and ancient human empire...
You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you...
龙与地下城 Wiki 在首次呈现为蛇类形态和恢复原型时,施法者将治愈所遭受全部伤害的1d6X10%(小数点清零)。(祭司不会在他们每次呈现为新蛇类形态时被治疗,只有在第一次时会如此。) Upon first assuming a snake form and upon returning to their original forms, the casters heal 1d6x10% of all damage they...
扎瑞尔Zariel守序邪恶阿弗纳斯前任女大公,大清算后遭拜尔背叛和囚禁,在5e复辟 拜尔Bel守序邪恶阿弗纳斯大公,在背叛并囚禁了前任大公扎瑞尔前,是她的公爵和将军,在5版因工作不力下台 第二层:迪斯Dis迪斯帕特Dispater守序邪恶迪斯的钢铁大公,是个死宅 第三层:弥瑙洛斯Minauros玛门Mammon守序邪恶弥瑙洛斯大公,曾经与格...