Like Tiamat, Pelor started life in Greyhawk. However, he’s not found in the Forgotten Realms Pantheon. Instead, the most recent 5e interpretation of this god hails from Xandria, setting of the popular Critical Role web series. You can find out more about Pelor, and the rest of the Cri...
You have spent your life in the service of a temple to a specific god or pantheon of gods. You act as an intermediary between the realm of the holy and the mortal world, performing sacred rites and offering sacrifices in order to conduct worshipers into the presence of the divine. You ...
In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different aspects of mortal life and civilization, called a deity’s domain. All the domains over which a deity has influence are called the deity’s portfolio. For example, the portfolio of the Greek god Apollo includes the domains of Knowledge,...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
矮人神系The Dwarven Pantheon 【主 神】摩拉丁Moradin 【势力 范围】矮人Dwarve 【简 介】即 矮人神系the Dwarven Pantheon,这个术语可以粗疏地翻译为 在天上盾牌兄弟们shield brothers on high,或是 至高矮人众the high dwarves。在各个氏族之间矮人神系组成有所不同(在各个世界之间,更是如此)。摩拉丁与蓓伦妮...
Newly fallen starstuff, a raw and chaotic but foundational material, can carry enough energy to wipe out entire civilizations, snuff out all god-fearing peoples — or it can herald a rejuvenation, bringing power to all who might seek it....
The Helmite faith always holds a Ceremony of Honor to Helm on each Shieldmeet, but its members observe no other calendar-related rituals to the God of Guardians. 在每日醒来时和入睡前,海姆的信徒都会向哨卫者祷告。向守护之神提出问题的虔诚信徒通常会在梦中异象里得到某种(通常比较晦涩)的指引。海姆...
扎瑞尔Zariel守序邪恶阿弗纳斯前任女大公,大清算后遭拜尔背叛和囚禁,在5e复辟 拜尔Bel守序邪恶阿弗纳斯大公,在背叛并囚禁了前任大公扎瑞尔前,是她的公爵和将军,在5版因工作不力下台 第二层:迪斯Dis迪斯帕特Dispater守序邪恶迪斯的钢铁大公,是个死宅 第三层:弥瑙洛斯Minauros玛门Mammon守序邪恶弥瑙洛斯大公,曾经与格...
A cleric of the PC pantheon if ever there was one. Neutral Good Image 1 of 2 (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) There's the odd slip-up here, such as an image entitled "me", but this person has made a good attempt to keep organised with only major folders and program...