第9 章:战斗 Combat 战斗流程 The Order of Combat 移动与位置 Movement and Position 战斗动作 Action in Combat 发动攻击 Making an Attack 掩护 Cover 伤害与治疗 Damage and Healing 骑乘战斗 Mounted Combat 水下战斗 Underwater Combat 第3 部分 第10 章:施法Spellcasting 法术是什么 What Is a Spell? 施...
At the DM’s option, moving any distance in rough water might require a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. There are also additional rules for underwater combat, but these do not mention sinking or floating. Notably, the description of the Athletics skill does mention ...
Here we have mentioned all types of DnD backgrounds list in the below chart you can get them now in the below 5e backgrounds chart.
But statistics directly related to your character should be very clear; this is the baseline for strategic choices you will make regarding combat, exploration, length of your adventuring day, even whether you will attempt to persuade, intimidate, or sneak past a guard to get into the palace. ...
With claws that provide a 1d6 natural weapon attack, proficiency in skills like Survival, and the ability to hold their breath underwater for an hour, members of theTortle 5erace feel at home in the wilderness life of a Barbarian.
发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:职业 3 Classes 掩护Cover 伤害与治疗Damage and Healing 野蛮人Barbarian 骑乘战斗Mounted Combat 吟游诗人Bard 水下战斗Underwater Combat 牧师Cleric 德鲁伊Druid 第 部分 3 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 第 章:施法 10 Spellcasting 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 法术是什么What Is a Spell...
Underwater Combat Spells: Here are all the spells arranged in Alphabetical order. Acid Arrow(2nd-level Evocation) Acid Splash (Conjuration Cantrip) Aid (2nd-level Abjuration) Alarm (1st-level Abjuration (Ritual)) Alter Self (2nd-level Transmutation) Animal Friendship (1st-level Enchantment) Animal...
This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. Some content found on this page may not be suitable for play at your table. Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table. ...
Charisma – Your most important stat, used for spellcasting and being the party Face. If you’re focusing more on non-magical combat, you can get away with putting it in second place. Best Paladin 5e races Dragonborn 5e– Gets a Strength and Charisma boost, and their damage resistance and...