Meaning the DAV leadership has put veterans into problems when trying to get to El Paso for medical care. The other veteran was a Vietnam veteran who has a Purple Heart for wounds in battle. His health has been deteriorating, and the VA has dragged its feet every step of the way ...
While Reaganomics and Reaganism is talked about often, so often we miss the real meaning. Reaganism is a spirit, and Reaganomics represents the real economic facts of life. In 1980, Mr. George Bush, a man with reasonable access to Mr. Reagan, did an analysis of Mr. Reagan's economic ...
Again and again Democratic leaders have followed that star and they have given new meaning to the old values of liberty and justice for all. We are the Party -- We are the Party of the New Freedom, the New Deal, and the New Frontier. We have always been the Party of hope. So this...
–"Pull Mode": While DNC software is often used in a “push” mode, meaning the download is initiated from the DNC Server, it is also possible with the right setup to “pull”. In this case, a short program is executed on the CNC Machine to request a file be brought down. Here ...
"My mother taught me that service to others gives life purpose and meaning. And oh, how I wish she were here tonight but I know she’s looking down on me from above. I keep thinking about that 25-year-old Indian woman -- all of five feet tall -- who gave birth to me at ...
When the buffer of the NC is empty, it sends the signal XOn (Transmission On), meaning that it is ready to receive data again. The default for XOff is ASCII 19, sometimes also called DC3 (Device Control 3), and ASCII 17 (DC1) for XOn. XOn/XOff are used only for text transmission...
Her mother taught her “the meaning of hard work and humility and decency" and was "the woman who set my moral compass high.” Obama then said she and Harris’ mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris had a shared set of values. “Kamala Harris and I built our lives on those same fo...
(Transmission On), meaning that it is ready to receive data again. The default for XOff is ASCII 19, sometimes also called DC3 (Device Control 3), and ASCII 17 (DC1) for XOn. XOn/XOff are used only for text transmission. They cannot be used to transmit binary data, for binary files...
At the time, Iwrotethat people need to “consider the implications of Carter’s opinion . . . there is no clear limiting principle of when a legal opinion becomes a criminal conspiracy beyond the court’s predisposition of the meaning of these facts.” ...
RS-232 is a single ended or unbalanced interface, meaning that a single electrical signal is compared to a common signal (ground) to determine binary logic states. A voltage of +12 volts (usually +3 to +15 volts) represents a binary 0 (space) and -12 volts (-3 to -15 volts) ...