RS-232 is a single ended or unbalanced interface, meaning that a single electrical signal is compared to a common signal (ground) to determine binary logic states. A voltage of +12 volts (usually +3 to +15 volts) represents a binary 0 (space) and -12 volts (-3 to -15 volts) ...
COM port- it is a short name for a serial communication port. Most DNC software communicate with a computer through a communication port, and most IBM and IBM-compatible computers support up to four serial ports COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4. Additional ports can be added by adding additional...
When the buffer of the NC is empty, it sends the signal XOn (Transmission On), meaning that it is ready to receive data again. The default for XOff is ASCII 19, sometimes also called DC3 (Device Control 3), and ASCII 17 (DC1) for XOn. XOn/XOff are used only for text transmission...
Meaning the DAV leadership has put veterans into problems when trying to get to El Paso for medical care. The other veteran was a Vietnam veteran who has a Purple Heart for wounds in battle. His health has been deteriorating, and the VA has dragged its feet every step of the way ...
Amendment 2 states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Much continues to be said and written about this amendment. Many have tried to wrestle meaning from this amendment that...