contains many genes (hundreds to thousands) makes up a chromosome. The genes are arranged in a particular sequence and have a particular location on the chromosome (called its locus). In addition to DNA, chromosomes also contain many other chemical components. These chemicals ...
DNA是分子,是基础。基因由一串DNA组成。染色体又由很多很多DNA(包括很多基因)外加蛋白质构成。DNA就像是字母 而基因就是词 染色体就是句子。其实这个比喻不恰当。应该这样比:一根长绳子(DNA),很长。中间的某一节(基因)。把这根绳子绕在罐头上,绕很多罐头,绕完后在仔细堆放好,就是染色体了。
normal cell是体细胞,nucleus是细胞核,chromosome 是染色体,DNA molecule contains many genes的意思是DNA分子包含很多基因 allele是等位基因 讲明白一点:体细胞就是非生殖细胞,人体“体细胞”,除了精细胞和卵细胞其它都是normal cell。体细胞和生殖细胞的区别就是体细胞有46条染色体,生殖细胞(精子卵子...
现已证实,包括NANOG同源框转录因子(NANOG homeobox transcription factor,NANOG)、八聚体结合转录因子4(octamer-binding transcription factor 4,OCT4)、Y染色体性别决定区盒转录因子2(sex-determing region of Y chromosome-box transcription factor 2,SOX2)...
男性的细胞中有一条X染色体,而女性的细胞中有两条X染色体,为了保持两性之间X染色体基因表达量的平衡,在女性的细胞中,有一条X染色体会被包装成异染色体,导致基因的表达沉默,这个现象叫X-chromosome inactivation。但是,研究发现有15%的基因会躲过这个机制[22],所以这些基因表达量在女性中要高于男性,其中包括多个抑制...
男性的细胞中有一条X染色体,而女性的细胞中有两条X染色体,为了保持两性之间X染色体基因表达量的平衡,在女性的细胞中,有一条X染色体会被包装成异染色体,导致基因的表达沉默,这个现象叫X-chromosome inactivation。但是,研究发现有15%的基因会躲过这个机制[22],所以这些基因表达量在女性中要高于男性,其中包括多个抑制...
2). The helix is then wound around proteins, histones, which maintain structure and regulate gene expression, to form a chromosome. The collection of chromosomes in a cell is referred to as the genome, e.g., the human genome contains 46 chromosomes. Sign in to download full-size image ...
The user interface is a bit more complicated than what you'll find on other sites, but FamilyTreeDNA provides the most complete suite of introductory tools of any provider we tested. For each type of test, you're presented with matches, a chromosome browser, migration maps, haplogroups and ...
Time Tree, Tree, Webinars, X Chromosome, Y DNA, Y-700 | Tagged 23andMe, Advanced DNA, Ancestry, Basic Education, Concepts, Discover, DNAPainter, Educational, FamilyTreeDNA, Genetic Affairs, Intermediate DNA, Introductory DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, MyHeritage, Software, Tools, Y DNA | 5 Replies ...