Analysis of the earliest steps of hepadnavirus replication : genome repair after infectious entry into hepatocytes does not depend on viral polymerase acti... 1993. Analysis of the earliest steps of hepadnavirus replication: genome repair after infectious entry into hepatocytes does not depend on vi...
DNA Virus ReplicationDNA virus replicationgeneral principles of DNA replicationpolyomaviruses infectSV40 viral genomelarge T antigenmechanism of SV40 DNA synthesispapillomavirusespapillomavirus genomesdoi:10.1002/9780470688618.taw0216Sandra K. WellerAmerican Cancer Society...
DNA Virus | Overview, Replication & Examples from Chapter 9 / Lesson 5 58K Learn what a DNA virus is. Discover about DNA virus replication and see examples of viruses with the steps that are involved when they replicate in the body. Related... Virus with DNA A DNA virus has DNA as its genetic material and replicates using a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase. The nucleic acid is usually dsDNA; ssDNA is less common, as during replication ssDNA typically expands to dsDNA. This class of viruses belongs to group I or group II of...
Structure and replication Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a spherical, sometimes pleomorphic, virus with a diameter of 40–80 nanometers (Fig. 2). The genome is 3.2 kb of circular partially single-stranded DNA. Proteins are encoded by overlapping genes, from large to small: the polymerase, the ...
Structures of African swine fever virus topoisomerase complex and their implications African swine fever virus Topoisomerase II (AsfvTopII) is essential for the replication of the virus. Here, the authors present several crystal structures and provide mechanistic insights into substrate binding and cleavag...
What is a template in DNA replication? What is the template mechanism of DNA replication? Why does DNA replication occur prior to mitosis? What controls the process of DNA replication? How is DNA structured? How does a DNA virus replicate?
Many viruses, with distinct replication strategies, activate DNA-damage response pathways, including the lentivirus human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the DNA viruses EpsteinBarr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus 1, adenovirus and SV40. DNA-damage response pathways involving DNA-dependent protein ki...
Stillman, B. Deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) synthesis and destruction regulate the replication of both cell and virus genomes.Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA110, 14120–14121 (2013). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Murthy, S. & Reddy, G. P. Replitase: complete machinery for DNA...
Bacterial and SPP1 ori-dependent replication proceed by the θ (circle-to-circle) mechanism. In general, these steps of replication initiation are conserved in other circular viruses that replicate by a θ mechanism, just the number of virus-encoded functions may vary. As an example, the ...