Does interference between replication and transcription contribute to genomic instability in cancer cells? Cell Cycle 9, 1886–1892 (2010). 21. Dershowitz, A. et al. Linear derivatives of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III can be maintained in the absence of autonomously replicating sequence ...
The dct-1 gene can be regulated by the pro-longevity transcription factor DAF-16 (Palikaras et al., 2015), but the role for SIR-2.1 in this pathway has not been investigated. We hypothesized that SIR-2.1 might regulate not only MT biogenesis but also mitophagy via the DCT-1 pathway (...
The replication-initiation ratio, reflecting the enrichment in replication-initiation events, was the highest observed, thus far, for any DNA-binding protein including transcription factors that were previously shown to associate with the initiation of DNA replication. As shown in the detailed analyses ...
Others have been designed to facilitate in-vitro transcription and super-expression of proteins in-vivo. Subcloning involves the ligation of a previously cloned and purified DNA molecule into a vector. The resulting recombinant molecule is then introduced into the appropriate host cell where the ...
(PDF 22 KB) 12864_2010_3005_MOESM11_ESM.XLS Additional file 11: Losses of experimentally identified phosphorylation sites. This file contains a single worksheet with the following columns: AGI: Arabidopsis Gene Identifier; Protein position: position in the protein sequence (TAIR7.0) where the ...