结果显示,多种topoisomerases, PARP, DNA methyltransferases, DNA和RNA polymerases, High mobility group (HMG) proteins, HMCES以及组蛋白等极易在暴露在甲醛的环境里与DNA形成共价交联。随后,研究人员通过RNAi高通量筛选的方法发现FEN1下调会显著提高甲...
研究人员在不同的癌细胞里通过in vivo complex of enzyme (ICE) bioassay提取了 DNA, 随后将DNA用micrococcal nuclease进行酶切从而释放与DNA交联的蛋白来做质谱分析。结果显示,多种topoisomerases, PARP, DNA methyltransferases, DNA和RNA polymerases, High mobility group (HMG) proteins, HMCES以及组蛋白等极易在...
三、RNA pull-down实验原理 RNA pull-down是检测RNA结合蛋白与其靶RNA之间相互作用的主要实验手段之一。使用体外转录法标记生物素RNA探针,然后与胞浆蛋白提取液孵育,形成RNA-蛋白质复合物。该复合物可与链霉亲和素标记的磁珠结合,从而与孵育液中的其他成分分离。复合物洗脱后,通过western blot实验检测特定的RNA结合蛋白...
DNA/RNA/Protein提取试剂盒品牌 编号:WK126 规格:50次 品牌:百奥莱博 产品介绍: 本试剂盒适用于从同一细胞或组织样本中同时分离纯化基因组DNA、总RNA和总蛋白。本产品无需将样品分为3份来分别提取DNA,RNA和蛋白质,也无需先将纯化后的总核酸分为两份后再分别纯化DNA和RNA,因此可*限度的回收DNA,RNA和蛋白质,...
Tissue Cells DNA/RNA/microRNA/Protein Extraction & Isolation Kit 产品规格: 50次 发货周期: 1~3天 细胞组织DNA/RNA/蛋白分离纯化提取试剂盒 本试剂盒用于快速从同一个动物细胞或者组织样品中同时提取分离基因组DNA和包括miRNA的总RNA和Protein(如购买额外miRNA吸附柱子和配套溶液,还可以将同一个样品的总RNA和miR...
For PCR-amplified libraries and RNA-Seq libraries, unique molecular identifiers (UMI) may be included to enable tracking of every library fragment and monitoring of deviations during library amplification [11]. Figure 13. Multiplex s...
sequence that is produced, with the exception of U replacing T. Since the RNA sequence is the sequence that we use to determine whatare produced through mRNA, this DNA strand is also called sense strand, (+) strand, or nontemplate strand (Fig. 3.1). ...
RNA-seq was carried out using the SMART-seq2 protocol80 and subjected to paired-end sequencing on a Nextseq 500 (Illumina) platform. A total of nine control and eight HU-treated embryos derived from two independent experiments were sequenced. In parallel, we collected 12 single cumulus cells ...
The packaging cells are able to package the viral RNA species carrying Ψ with the viral envelope and core proteins that are avai7lable in trans. The packaged and infectious, but replication-deficient, DFGiNOS retroviruses are shed into the growth medium and can be collected. The complexity of...