回顾去年,Nature期刊提及的七项技术为:单分子蛋白质测序技术(Single-molecule protein sequencing)、詹姆斯・韦伯太空望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope)、体积电子显微镜(Volume electron microscopy)、基因编辑 CRISPR 技术、高精度放射性碳测量...
【Nucleus Biology】最好的生物学动画 生物dalao 12:10:32 【官方双语】MIT分子生物学第一部分:DNA复制及修复【全109集】 BiologyOnline 【192集全】 • 看动画学英语(生物、物理、化学)少儿启蒙系列合集 北斗斗的长工 Kurzgesagt科普-【中英字幕】地球上最致命的生物——噬菌体 ...
introduces Quick-Strand kits for preparation of up to 100 single-stranded templates for sequencingin 20 minutes. Quick-Strand contains gpII from M13, which nicks supercoiled DNA at the f1 origin. . 1996 Nature Publishing Companydoi:10.1038/nbt0196-92None...
近年来,甘海云研究员与合作者通过开发能特异性检测DNA复制过程中前导链和滞后链结合蛋白的技术(enrichment and sequencing of protein-associated nascent DNA,eSPAN),发现DNA聚合酶Pol ε在合成DNA的同时,其亚基Pole3和Pole4还负责将亲...
基于新生DNA测序的eSPAN(enrichment and sequencing of protein-associated nascent DNA)实验分析表明,破坏Mcm2-NTE与Tof1的相互作用会严重影响亲代组蛋白回收和递送至新生成滞后链DNA的比例。这项工作清晰的展示了DNA复制偶联的亲代组蛋白回收过程中一个关键中间步骤的分子细节,阐明了FACT、Tof1、Mcm2等在亲本组...
DNA may also be sequenced for epigenetic studies—e.g., methylation analysis (also known as bisulfite sequencing or Bis-Seq) and DNA–protein interaction sequencing (commonly known as ChIP-Seq), which are not covered in this sec...
Sequencing was performed on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform at the DKFZ Sequencing Core Facility. All samples were sequenced with 50-bp single-end reads and mapped to the mouse genome mm9 with Bowtie255 allowing up to 2 mismatches (Supplementary Fig. 1 and Reporting Summary). Only uniquely ...
259Altmetric Metrics Abstract Knowing the sequence specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins is essential for developing models of the regulatory processes in biological systems and for identifying causal disease variants. Here we show that sequence specificities can be ascertained from experimental da...
(D)J somatic recombination in the immune system of vertebrates109. As another example, based on a mixed lncRNA annotation from RNA sequencing and GENCODE (a scientific project in genome research and part of the ENCODE scale-up project), a study estimated that 41% of lncRNA nucleotides are ...
In this method, DNA-protein complexes are treated with DNase l, followed by DNA extraction and sequencing. Sequences bound by regulatory proteins are protected from DNase l digestion. Deep sequencing provides accurate representation of the location of regulatory proteins in the genome. In a variation...