preparation is usually the preferred method to create libraries coveringhigh-GC or high-ATsequences, to help ensure library diversity [1,15]. Note that even with PCR-free library preparation methods, bias can be introduced duringc...
Sequencing of nucleic acids with nanopores has emerged as a powerful tool offering rapid readout, high accuracy, low cost and portability. This label-free method for sequencing at the single-molecule level is an achievement on its own. However, nanopores also show promise for the technologically ...
(Figure 1). The workflow relies on Applied Biosystems real-time PCR and capillary electrophoresis instruments and is supported by a comprehensive set of reagents and software tools. MS‑HRM followed by Sanger-based DNA seq...
method, that is, homopolymer-calling deficiencies and sequence context errors (Supplementary Fig. 6). To improve accuracy, we propose to implement existing algorithms to correct for phasing that is known to cause errors in synchronized sequencing approaches27. Additional base-calling improvements, such...
重亚硫酸氢钠测序法(Bisulfite sequencing,BS-Seq)被认为是5mC鉴定的金标准,原理是重亚硫酸盐不影响甲基化C,却能将未发生甲基化的C转变成U(尿嘧啶),后者在PCR反应中变成T,并由此将甲基化C与未甲基化C区分开;再结合高通量测序技术,即可得到单碱基分辨率的全基因组5mC修饰图谱。重亚硫酸盐转换未甲基化...
including two automated methods, using the GXT NA extraction kit on an Arrow system and QuickPick genomic (g) DNA extraction kit on a KingFisher Duo system; two manual kit-based methods used the QIAamp DNA mini kit and the DNeasy UltraClean microbial kit; and an ‘open’ CTAB method was...
Optimum results were obtained through grinding, but it is suggested that destructive procedures are not essential in order to detect CaLsol. Although CaLsol was detected by qPCR with DNA obtained by the different procedures, HotSHOT was the most sensitive method. In terms of time consumption and ...
DNA sequence represents a single format onto which a broad range of biological phenomena can be projected for high-throughput data collection. Over the past three years, massively parallel DNA sequencing platforms have become widely available, reducing the cost of DNA sequencing by over two orders ...
rat andF. rubripessequencing consortia; Genoscope forT. nigroviridisgenome data; the Ensembl, UCSC, EMBL and GenBank database groups; G. Schuler for information on sequence overlaps; T. Furey for information on RefSeq RNA coverage; D. Jaffe for data on fosmid end-sequence matches; D. Vetrie...
sequencing of PCR products (trnL-intron and psbA-trnH IGS) and plasmids (ITS5.85.8S rRNA regions) was done by using an ABI3100 automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems). Sequences were visualized and manually edited with Geneious 5.4 to minimize any possible error during sequencing. Sequence ...