Well-known Thermo Scientific instruments for UV-Vis RNA/DNA quantification include the NanoDrop One/OneC Spectrophotometer for convenient, single-sample microvolume analysis, the NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer for 8-sample microvolume analysis, and choice of the Multiskan SkyHigh Microplate Spectrophotomete...
Quantification of DNA by Using UV–Visible SpectrophotometerTo quantify DNA isolated from blood and forensic samples using UV–visible spectrophotometer technique.doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0274-4_16Hirak Ranjan DashPankaj ShrivastavaSurajit Das
Alternatives to the Thermo Fisher NanoDrop™ DNA quantification spectrophotometer include the DS-11 Series from DeNovix. This advanced instrument is the most sensitive UV-Vis microvolume analyzer on the market, with a wide dynamic range enhanced by analyte-specific fluorescence capabilities, making the...
The purity and concentration of the DNA obtained were determined through 260/280 nm absorbance measures [3] using the NanoDrop spectrophotometer 2000 (Thermo Scientific) [26]. 2.4. Validation of the NanoDrop DNA Quantification Method The evaluation parameters of the DNA measurements in microvolumes...
DNAconcentrationbyspectrophotometer?Thecharacteristicsofrestrictionendonuclease ?HowtouseagarosegelelectrophoresistoseparateDNAsTounderstand:TheprinciplesofpurificationandquantificationofplasmidDNA 1.2Principle 1.2.1PlasmidandVector Plasmidisasmall,independentlyreplicating,pieceofextrachromosomalcytoplasmicDNA(doublestrandedandusuall...
The fluorimeter DNA quantification and the spectrophotometer DNA quantification were in very high agreement (Fig. 1c), indicating low amounts of contaminants such as RNA and also polysaccharides [3]. The DNA fragment size distribution evaluated with Femto Pulse [19] indicated that lysis for 4 h...
are present almost everywhere. Special care must be taken to preserve RNA in the specimen when it is collected. When quantification of RNA species is important, stabilizing agents, which are commercially available, can be used. For tissue,flashfreezing inliquid nitrogenis ideal soon after collection...
Quantification of DNA can be performed using either a fluorometer with calf thymus standards or comparative size standards of known concentration on an agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. There are DNA-specific fluorometers and a host of accurate spectrophotometers that will provide accurate assessme...
The pipeline implements two DNNs to facilitate the sampling (i.e., nanostructure identification) and quantification (i.e., conformation measurement) steps. We first establish the approach using a ‘Hinge’ nanostructure, which is representative of dynamic nanodevices that are widely used for ...
APercentage of cells positive for γH2AX foci upon spontaneous accumulation (0 h) or 24 h post irradiation with 10 Gy in U2OS cells transfected either a siRNA against ADAR2 or with control siNT. Quantification is shown on the left. A representative image is shown on the right. ...