Quantification of DNA by Using UV–Visible SpectrophotometerTo quantify DNA isolated from blood and forensic samples using UV–visible spectrophotometer technique.doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0274-4_16Hirak Ranjan DashPankaj ShrivastavaSurajit Das
2.4. Validation of the NanoDrop DNA Quantification Method The evaluation parameters of the DNA measurements in microvolumes (1 µL) of samples were as follows: working range (linearity), detection and quantification limit using a blank (DEPC-treated), precision under conditions of repeatability ...
The NanoDrop Ultra Spectrophotometers and Fluorometers provide enhanced specificity and sensitivity for DNA and RNA quantification through the use of NanoDrop Ultra Fluorescence Assays. Learn more For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures....
With full-spectrum analysis, Acclaro Sample Intelligence software uses advanced chemometric algorithms to identify and correct for contaminants and differentiate DNA from RNA. Learn more Explore tools for regulated environments Protein quantification
DNA quantification with high reliabilityOur Microvolume spectrophotometers have been specially designed for the quantification of DNA, RNA and proteins. We know that an accurate quantification is of outmost importance for the reliability of downstream processes. This is why we pay particular attention ...
Nucleic acid quantification is critical in both steps of the RT-qPCR process. Acclaro software identifies contaminants and provides corrected nucleic acid concentrations to help ensure qPCR success. Learn more NanoDrop/Qubit instrument bundle Get the best of both...
Measure transmittance or absorbance at a fixed, single, multiple, or entire wavelength range, or use quantification to calculate the concentration of an absorbing sample. The spectrum's peaks and valleys reveal the sample's composition and purit ...
Pre-programmed applications for Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, mRNA, Oligos, etc.) with QC Ratios (260/280 and 260/230), protein assays, and cell density. Micro Volume and Cuvette Analysis Full-spectrum micro volume and cuvette measurements combined in one instrument to support both OD600 ...
Alternatives to the Thermo Fisher NanoDrop™ DNA quantification spectrophotometer include the DS-11 Series from DeNovix. This advanced instrument is the most sensitive UV-Vis microvolume analyzer on the market, with a wide dynamic range enhanced by analyte-specific fluorescence capabilities, making the...
For Use With (Application)Nucleic Acid Quantification, DNA Quantification, RNA Quantification, Protein Quantification Height (Metric)22 cm MaterialStainless Steel (303), Quartz Fiber Measurement Time≤ 5 seconds No. of Samples1 Pathlength1.0 mm and 0.2 mm (auto adjust) ...